Discussion: Top Trump Immigration Official May Not Have Been Legal Pick, Dems Say

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Pro-tip: The rampant lawlessness will continue unabated until he is impeached.


What? GOP fraud?



These people are completely lawless. Ironic that they sell themselves as law-and-order types.

But as has been pointed out elsewhere, the “order” they enforce isn’t one derived from laws, but rather from a general sense of social superiority. (Imagined, obviously.)


Pro-pro tip: unless that inevitable impeachment inquiry is an ongoing one (until Jan-2021), ‘Cecil’ will still call the tune.


Are you saying that a Cuccinelli is even shorter than a Scaramucci?


Trump to congressional Dems: “Piss on the FVRA.” And the list grows ever longer, not just of incidents where Trump has said piss on the rule of law, but of categories: executive privilege, limits on executive action, congressional oversight, emoluments, and now, appointments to run federal agencies. What am I leaving out?

I fully expect to read this headline any day now: “Trump Shoots Adam Schiff on 5th Avenue; Pelosi Works to Quell Impeachment Talk in Response.”


Well, next week’s Krystallnacht 2.0 should be an interesting one, led by an illegal…


Ohhhhh. Concerns. Furrowed brows. Sternly worded statements. A criminal like Trump will certainly be quaking in his boots that he illegally named Cooch to be his anti-immigrant czar.

How about filing suit to remove the asshole?


Actually, were Trump impeached it would have zero impact on his actions, or the actions of his administration. Impeachment is just a recommendation for removal from office that the House makes to the Senate. Now, if McConnell and the Republican majority in the Senate should decide to remove him from office then, yes, the rampant lawlessness would then stop…until Pence is sworn in, at which point it would begin again.

This isn’t an argument for or against impeachment. It’s just a reminder that impeachment by itself is nothing but a political tool.


Pro-tip: Even if the criminal in the Oval office is impeached, he most likely won’t be convicted by the Senate. So the rampant lawlessness will continue until a Democrat is elected and replaces him.


When has this ever mattered?

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Bad News: The Senate confirmation process for non Judges is basically dead.

Good News: President Biden/Sander/Warren/Buttigieg/etc can appoint Hillary as the head of the newly created election interference investigation department of the DoJ.

Turnabout is fair play.


“It appears the Administration was aware that Mr. Cuccinelli could not be appointed Acting Director of USCIS consistent with the Federal Vacancies Reform Act,” or FVRA, they wrote in a letter to Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan. It appears, they wrote, “that Mr. Cuccinelli was appointed in a manner that circumvents” the FVRA.

Laws such as this are only meant for others. Therefore does not come into effect if you are a REPUG Administration.


Appointment by decree.


If they spent as much time trying to do positive things for most of the people in the country as they do rigging and breaking the systems that have been in place to keep the government and democracy running …

But, hey, then they wouldn’t be the New Republicans.


I was wondering the same thing when trump picked this guy too. I thought he hadn’t served in the federal gov’t before his appointment thus making him ineligible for an acting role leading an agency. So glad House Dems are on the case. So many subversions and scandals going on in the trump maladministration its almost too hard to keep up anymore on who’s up and who’s down.


Their favorite phrase for years has been “What part of illegal don’t you understand!?” seems not to be operative here.


I seriously doubt even impeachment would stop him from his ongoing criminality. Unless he’s removed from office trump isn’t going to quit pushing the boundaries of that job. The only thing that will permanently force him to quit his malfeasance is when they throw his sorry ass in prison. He won’t be able to pass on national security secrets at that point either, which he will continue to do after he leaves office if not in the slammer. He would trade on business opportunities to make himself more money with inside information in a heartbeat after he leaves office…so I do hope there’s a plan down the road to address that too.

Until we face the reality that trump is an agent of a foreign adversarial power working on Russia’s behalf and with Saudi Arabia’s help, we’re gonna continue to have our own foreign policy agenda manifestly changed to anti-democratic outcomes with no protections in place for our own security.

trump, his 2016 campaign and transition team had 272 contacts with Russian linked operatives. All of those contacts were never reported to any authority in our government. In fact, all of them were covered up at the time or lied about. THAT IS NOT NORMAL, even though that basic information seems to get lost in all the other stories and scandals that come out daily.