Discussion: Top Trump Aide: ‘Rape Would Not Exist’ If Men And Women Had Equal Strength (VIDEO)

I see something very Ed Wood going on there.

I agree, It was the timing reference I commented on…

Can we just all vote to eliminate September and October from the calendar this year, and get this friggin’ election over with?

I’m getting tired of wiping spittle off my monitor…


Yes, yes you do :smile:

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More of that GOP obsession with the rape of women.


Of course. Sorry.


And men aren’t rape in prison???

white women.


MSNBC are the worst purveyors of anti-Clinton hysteria and derangement syndrome for three quarters of the day, really on par with faux news imo. And if you recall, Maddow was once a big fan of her “uncle” Pat Buchanan. She can be very obsequious at times when pushing their corporate view. Its probably how she survives there, learning to deal with all the rightwing nonsense that seems to take over at times at her network.

Mm-K, now I really gotta get ready to go…


The only way this even remotely makes sense is if every human being, man, woman, and child, at any and every stage of life, are endowed with exactly equal strength. No one would be able to gain a physical advantage. And, all weapons and anything that can be used as a weapon are removed from the face of the earth.

Brilliant idea Kellyanne!


Exactly. Because Gawd has created males to all be precisely equal in strength to one another. And of course rape is always a matter of exerting superior physical strength. Fortunately, no rapist has ever used a weapon or drug to force himself onto another.

Thanks for the wisdom, Kellyanneelizabeth!


So sayeth Kellyanne ConArtist!

Have you been dropped on your head?


“Rev” Burns. Thank you. I was wondering who this nutcase was on MSNBC last night, but had to turn it off before my head exploded. I believe he wouldn’t answer the repeated question on Trump’s insensitive tweet (Dwyane Wade’s cousin’s terrible demise), but instead kept repeating a line about “going down a dark road when you are told not to go down that road”… in full televangelist voice.

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Apparently men don’t rape other men.

Abuse, though not differentiated between violent and sexual, has been found to be most prevalent in two-women couples.

Source: VAWA “The Extenet, Nature and Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence”.

Sarcasm, no doubt. (Yeah, right)

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Yes, this is the same Kellyanne Conway who advised Todd Akin and then later advised Republicans to drop the word “rape” from their vocabulary. And just for the record, men can be assaulted by other men – not everyone is of equal age, size, strength, fitness levels, or has background in a boxing ring, etc. There are some women who are able to successfully defend themselves from rape but so what – why does this matter exactly? Is she pushing the idea that women don’t deserve equality because they are unable to defend themselves form rape? WTF?


Yes, please, can the media stop praising her supposed professionalism? I hope someone brings this comment up in her next interview. I’ve noticed that when people raise negative issues about her candidate, she just continues her vapid pitter-patter, but when her own competence is put in question, it throws her off and she becomes defensive and whiney.


Her credibility, such as it is, has been in negative numbers since she represented Mr. Legitimate Rape (Todd Akin) and there is no evidence to support the idea that it will ever return to positive numbers as long as the earth spins on its axis.