I’m not surprised by her comment in the slightest. She worked for Ted Cruz before coming to be tRump’s ‘spokesmodel’…and her background includes connections to Christian Dominionist groups. I read an article on her connections to some of those groups about a week ago and I’ve been searching for it, but can’t locate it yet. I should have bookmarked it. Unfortunately, I have to run out to the Farmer’s Market soon so I’ll try to look later.
Although, in my book, there are no descriptors nasty enough for a person who says things like this. It was my initial gut reaction to an unspeakably horrible comment…
Kellyanne Conway fully supports "women should know their place. These remarks don’t surprise me. More importantly Kelleyanne who touts her creeds as a mother consistently and constantly supports Congressman Scott Garrett of New Jersey he the BIG Defender of NOT giving children Health Care. She has given huge amounts to Garrets campaigns in NJ after all the very wealthy don’tcha know Conway lives in Alpine NJ the enclave of Millionaires like Garrett. They deny poor children health care over and over, the successful New Jersey Program helps millions of poor children receive life saving Medical help. these are the same people who want to repeal the Presidents Affordable Care Act. these are the Right to Lifers who deny food stamps to needy children. Claiming to be Religious Catholics neither of them ever quote one word Jesus Christ said and preached. Know them for who they are money changers at the Temple.
This is the woman whose only campaign experience was working on Todd Akin’s campaign. And, quite obviously, she lacks the self awareness and hindsight to realize, after being associated with that campaign, she should never ever under any circumstances, speak about rape in a public forum again.
They all seem to be unaware of those magical recording machines that when you say something stupid , it is there forever.
Join the parade Kellyann
Trump writing his own Democratic commercials
Kellyann’s polished image revealed as the polished turd it is
It’s comments like these from tumpettes that make me glad I have a Twitter account. I don’t follow anyone but it’s useful when it’s time to vent in 140 characters, far too few IMO
Thanks. The article I had found was very similar to that one and was along those same lines…Geez, how little the media has tended to vet this woman. I so wish Maddow had asked her about some of her retrograde views instead of complimenting her on being the demure and toned-down face of the tRump campaign…
I don’t think I’ve ever seen Maddow in such an ass kissing, deferential mode before and still begging for trumpet to come on and share his wisdom. MSNBC gives him way too much coverage as it is.