Discussion: Top Trump Aide: Latinos Who Don’t Like Trump Are Here Illegally

Discussion for article #243646

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Great idea champ, shit on Latinos again, and again,and again. Great strategy to get elected as the President of the KKK.


Keeping f^&king that chicken, cabron!


Go back to Canada Senator Cruz!


Who says Trump doesn’t listen to his aids and advisers? LOL.


In an October Associated Press-GfK poll, 72 percent said they view Trump unfavorably.

28% view him favorably or aren’t paying attention?

And what is this GfK’d poll anyways? Sounds 'Murican to me.

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May we please see more and more vocal Trump supporters on the teevee? THYR GR8!!!1! kthxbai!


these guys have studied Joseph Goebbels like no other political team

they just making shit up and outright lying - and NEVER EVER bend from those lies -
throw in Trumps antics and personality
and eventually these lies become the truth

Latinos, Muslims, Blacks, Women - they all love TRUMP
its a big love in

just keep saying it and the sycophants in the press and media
will start believing it and making it mainstream


Jesus Tap-Dancing Christ on a Racist Redneck Cracker… that’s one of the most spectacularly delusional comments I’ve heard yet from a campaign that produces industrial quantities of ignorant dumbfuckery on a daily basis.

My Mexican-American wife was born in Detroit, as were all of her relatives. Her father served in the U.S. Navy at Normandy on D-Day, and two of her uncles were in the Army during the Korean War. I can assure this tiny-brained wiper of other people’s bottoms that none of her relatives have anything but the most corrosive contempt for Trump.

I’m beginning to wonder if the Trump campaign is actually the first one in American history entirely led, managed, and supported by people who ate lead paint chips as toddlers.


there are coalitions

Team Trump remains hopeful regarding Blatinos, Mexnadians, Eurotinos, Chitinos, Austinos, New Zeatinos and Mexippinos…


"As Cohen told Yahoo! News, “You can’t win a general election if your mindset is on the Southern white Christian coalition. You need them, but you need the minority communities as well.”

Maybe he knows something about politics afterall.

His campaign has acknowledged that minority voters will be critical to gaining the nomination.

I don’t know whether that’s something the campaign has claimed, but I’m pretty sure that minority voters aren’t the key to winning the GOP nomination. Perhaps a misstatement considering the quote in the next paragraph is about the general election.

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Trump Aide: The solution is simple: we shouldn’t allow these illegals to vote. If you dont vote for Trump, you sholdnt be allowed to vote, because you are illegal.
We can possibly make exceptions for whites who may be illegal but will vote for Trump.


So, is he proposing that an oath of allegiance to Trump is now required for American citizenship? Therefore all that don’t like him haven’t sworn such an oath and therefore no longer citizens?

Seems pretty bold for someone who hasn’t won a single election, let alone the White House.


Why aren’t Trump’s eyes brown?

I mean, the man is so full of shit, his eyes should be brown!

Does he wear contacts?

I blame Obama.


Wow, it sounds like Team Trump will have to dispatch poll monitors during the election. Obviously any Hispanics attempting to vote would be breaking the law!!

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Are we sure that Trump is not some new kind of Andy Kaufman?


Top Trump Aide: Latinos Who Don’t Like Trump Are Here Illegally

hahahahaha hohohohohoho hahahahahahahah…


Okay, I’ll buy idiocy and performance art.

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[Top Trump Aide: Latinos Who Don’t Like Trump Are Here Illegally]

Is this bribe Trump’s idea of “Path to Citizenship”?