Discussion for article #224308
Circular firing squad. Reminds me of the great Ross Thomas’s “Seersucker Whipsaw”: https://encrypted.google.com/books?id=FEl8DSN0QSEC&lpg=PT26&ots=I0B8u2-y3H&dq=“clint%20shartelle”&pg=PT139#v=onepage&q=panic&f=false
What does she mean by “done?”
Is the Tea Party going to bolt the GOP?
I love it - LOVE IT!
So, is Ms. Kremer trying to say that once Childers goes up against Cochran, the GOP base is staying home? OK. Cause that works for me.
That’s what I wonder as well . . . . ? Will the Tea Party become a 3rd party? Or, as brooklyndweller posted while I was typing, would they just not vote? Either helps Democrats.
Which flavor popcorn goes well with Schadenfreude?
So many courthouses, so little time…
Weren’t Palin & Hannity just talking about “possible necessity” of a more-conservative third party?
If Cochran wins, “the GOP is done.” God, what a drama queen. It’s always the end of the world for them. Can’t someone give these professional hysterics in the Tea Party some strong sedatives? Please?
I presume that’s what she means, yes. Fine by me.
“GOP is done”
This is the only time I will be able to say I agree with both Sean Hannity and Sarah Palin: the Republican Party just isn’t bug-fuck crazy enough, so it’s time for third party this fall. Let’s call it the Pure Patriot Party.
All of them.
“Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me all these years."
From her mouth (plus 20 characters)…
Demographically, the GOP has been “done” for years (at least at the Presidential level). Even young conservatives don’t approve of the far right social-issue oriented ramblings of the baggergeoisie.
Promises, promises.
Let 'er RIP!
Rupie now has to give evidence to the British Crown Prosecutors. They were waiting to make him appear until the hacking trial was over. Rupie’s going down.