Discussion for article #232660
Hopefully he will manage Jeb Bushes LOSING campaign just like he managed Mitt “I will not release my tax returns” Romney’s LOSING campaign in 2012
Failing Upwards, the GOP way!
Now there’s a record to be proud of. He managed the loss of Mittens, and the win of pig castrater Ernst. And here I thought JEB was supposed to be the smarter one.
I still don’t see the country wanting to elect another Bush. The economy is doing better and unemployment is falling and putting another Bush into office just seems like America would be going down a very dark road again. The same people who advised George W. Bush would be the same people who would advise Jeb Bush and we all know how that went.
Given the results last time, not sure who lost out on this.
That a majority of voters would even consider trusting the country to another Bush, is beyond all sense of reason.
I think Repugs know that, and won’t nominate the Jebster.
Why would romney want any of his losing team back? Makes no sense unless he plans to lose again. And if that’s the case why bother?
Kochel knows which side of the political bread the KochBoys will butter…
Maybe he’ll hire KarlRove.
Great hire. Romney lost Iowa 3 times. LOL!
jeb should add cheney’s publicist while he’s at it. what could go wrong?
Hmm, if he does for Jeb what he did for Romney Hillary is a shoo in.
Has anyone noticed the Romney shuffle? He always looks like he has to take a poop.