Put on your big boy britches and impeach, you Republipansies. We await your demise with alacrity.
If TPM wants to do some serious investigative reporting they should try to find something the Republicans don’t blame on the President.
“…failing to stabilize the region…”??? how is the stability of Libya our responsibility? who has a son or daughter they’d sacrifice for that cause? why do these dedicated non-servers always seem to be the first to want to call out the troops? why the hell does the electorate keep sending these clowns to congress?
“…Our diplomatic absence will make the hard task of achieving political stability … even harder…”
We know.
Given that Congress has failed to staff almost half of our embassies around the world, including the Soviet Union… yes, entirely predictable. It’s exactly the development Republicans want to make happen.
Not only is Obama responsible for unrest in the Middle East – which was perfectly settled down when he came into office – but it’s also his fault that somebody’s dachshund recently went missing in my neighborhood. You liberals say what you will, but that never happened while Dick Cheney was in charge!
Mr. Royce was of prime military age in the late 60s and early 70s. His bio doesn’t even bother to give an excuse for his non-service (something along the lines of “other priorities” or peddling Mormonism in France).
GOP,it’s wearing thin.Damned if does damned if he dosen’t,adeqaute funding for our embassies who’s responsibility ?
This tactic works so well for the Republicans because Obama almost has “Kick me” sign on his back end.
Such a flaccid and ineffective response to everything.
AND more significantly
Obama’s is always a ‘response’, never an actual initiation or action.
When Obama does act, he often spins around to the opposite within days, e.g. “I believe this is the defining challenge of our time: Making sure our economy works for every working American.”
Within days, Obama had dropped the subject.
Action or reaction, the Republicans have a “kick me” President, and they love to kick him around… He puts up with it.
Now that would be a never-ending investigation.
What was it Bush & Co. said during their disastrous Katrina FEMA response, which could ONLY have been Bush’s fault?
“We won’t play the blame-game!”
The assumption seems to be the president can control everything with mind power. Their standard complaint when somebody does a bad thing anywhere in the world is that it wouldn’t have happened if Obama could “project strength”—like Putin, I guess is what they mean, or Vin Diesel.
Did he bring up Benghazi? I mean, it’s in the same country and all.
Those who are not with the President are with the evildoers.
The republicans lack ANY credibility at this point on anything
so Obama deserves zero credit for getting Osama bin Laden because he did not personally pull the trigger, but all the violence in Libya is 100% his fault even though he has never set foot in the country, let alone joined a militia there.
Sounds legit.
He’s all powerful today. Tomorrow, he’ll be feckless and inept again. It’s all in the daily press release - keep up, dood.
Yes, we should definitely provide clear, strong leadership to Libya, but not, god forbid, to Texas. Or Mississippi, or Alabama, or Kansas, or …
In related news, top republicans blame Obama for the death of Tommy Ramone because the Obama Administration has not found a cure for cancer.
Obama failed to keep Eve from bighting the apple When is America going to get tired of this shit from ditto head Repuk’s
“We don’t trust him, but it’s all his fault for not doing anything”. - GOP