Discussion for article #223605
Yeah, just about 10-20 years before the rest of us, because, well…
In November 2016 the R party will be effectively neutered. They know it too.
This is a perfect example of the basic fatalism the Teabaggers have.
“Whaddaya’ gonna do?” is not a winning campaign slogan.
I’m not a scientist, but all the scientists are completely wrong.
2016 won’t be kind to the anti-American right. By then all their lie created “scandals” will have been fully exposed as pure bovine excrement, Obamacare will be hugely successful, and the Hillay Wave will sweep the trash out of power in both houses of Congress. How they respond to that is scary to think about
“I’m not a sailor but if you go too far you’ll sail off the edge of the earth.”
Dylan Scott: “change deniers will be in trouble if any is nominated” <- May I presume your copyeditor is out sick today?
This is useful:
Take 10 minutes and learn how the atmosphere is heated. This page explains it as well as any:
Now, when someone tells you there is no global warming, or that there is slight warming, but that people are NOT responsible for it, ask them this question:
Can you explain to me how the atmosphere is heated?
They won’t be able to. Few people can. So then ask:
If you don’t know how the atmosphere is heated, how do you know burning fossil fuels is not responsible for climate change?
I’m not so sure about this. As near as I can tell, the deniers have won the debate, despite the fact that the isn’t any actual debate.
There remains enough doubt among the public to elect a denier and to insure that nothing will be done about this problem anytime soon.
How have they won the debate? The majority of Americans believe climate change is happening and that it’s man made.
GOP candidates will no doubt assist in their own gelding by making rapey, racist and misogynistic comments during their campaigns. It’s like the sun rising.
This is true in spite of lousy media coverage in general/FNC/WSJ/Heartland/RWNJs/etc.
Most people are able to tell that the deniers are full of it. There will be more Sandys/droughts/heat waves. Podesta is right.
Actually that’s 50 years for most Southern States, and 100 for Texas.
Recently I flew into Miami and thought how could anyone living on that sand bar not be concerned about even a slight rise in sea level and the prospect of stronger hurricanes? Don’t they bother with insurance?