Discussion: Top McDaniel Staffer Posted: Race Will 'Come Down To Hinds County'

Discussion for article #223575

2014 is really shaping up to be a disaster for GOP -
But it really is 2016 Republican squealing is all about.
They are projecting out 2 1/2 years - to Nov 2016.

They were supposed to have all their ducks in a row here.

Cotton in Arkansas - down in flames
McConnell at great risk of losing
Iowa GOP supporting a self proclaimed “Hog castrator”
Georgia at risk because of TeaParty
Michigan seat questionable (Land doesn’t support auto bailout !)
Brown floundering in NH
Now Mississippi at least having a ton money thrown at it by the GOP

But then in 2016
23 Republican seats being defended - 15 in Purple states
to only 10 Dem seats - 7 which are safe blue states

Wake up GOP -
it’s over

will have Presidency/filibuster proof Senate/and Majority House

I hope everyone realizes this is what all the GOP hand wringing is about - it’s projected to the pain 2years 6months from now.
It’s not about this Nov. 2014 - it’s about Nov. 2016

Proceed Governor -
all over but the Iowa Hog GOP Castration squealing till 2016


Can you imagine what 2016 will be like? The Dems. better have their shit together when time comes because voter fraud will be in full force by Republicans.


This one even looks like a nut case. He must have posted from inside the building??

Hog Castrator - Isn’t that a way of telling farm folk “I’m one of you”? Or is there a thing going on I missed?


McDaniel staffers have some explaining to do, if they tampered with the ballots, I imagine it’ll be obvious. What a bunch of incompetent crooks and liars work for this guy, comes down from the

The Steve Schmidt look is so 00’s, so W and to do it correctly one must understand the national GOP is either (will be) turning into mid 80s democrats, or going into the barrens for the foreseeable future.

So everyone else left the building at 11:30 and these guys didn’t try to leave until 2 am? Hmmmm…

In the ad she says it shows she “knows how to cut pork”. And presumably, lawmakers who approve it. Not sure how that latter part is going to play.

My exact thoughts.