Discussion: Top Judiciary Dem: Rosenstein, McCabe Should Testify On Comey Firing

Yes, let’s chase a new squirrel. That old squirrel was going to get away anyhow.

Without question…this afternoon would be nice or tomorrow.

There are a LOT of guilty people in this administration, best to get them all rounded up and under oath and Rosenstein doesn’t get to slither out of it by claiming he was just following orders.

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But it would be big news if he testified that Sessions or Trumpp or another WH official ordered him to draft a letter to fire Comey.


Special shout out here to the NPR news producers. I’ve been talking shit about them, because they think their job is to provide a microphone and an audience for whomever they decide to put on air.

They outdid themselves today. I tuned in this morning while driving, and those FUCKERS put W’s AG, Alberto Gonzales, on to comment about the firing.

For those new enough to need a refresher, refer to the Bush US Attorney firing scandal:

On September 29, 2008 the Justice Department’s Inspector General (IG) released a report on the matter that found most of the firings were politically motivated and improper. The next day Attorney General Michael Mukasey appointed a special prosecutor Nora Dannehy to decide whether criminal charges should be brought against Gonzales and other officials involved in the firings.[31] The IG’s report contained “substantial evidence” that party politics drove a number of the firings, and IG Glenn Fine said in a statement that Gonzales had “abdicated his responsibility to safeguard the integrity and independence of the department.”[47] The report itself stopped short of resolving questions about higher White House involvement in the matter, because of what it said were the refusal to cooperate of a number of key players, among them Karl Rove, Senator Pete Domenici and Harriet Miers and because the White House refused to hand over its documents related to the firings.

Gonzales was probably the least appropriate person NPR could have found for commentary on Comey’s firing.


Exactly. And let’s not forget the incident when Gonzalez and W’s Chief of Staff Andy Card tried to strong-arm a very ill, hospitalized Attorney General John Ashcroft into signing onto some new horror of a domestic surveillance program. And the reason they didn’t get away with it is because Jim Comey, who was acting AG while Ashcroft was hospitalized and was tipped off by Ashcroft’s wife about the Gonzalez/Card visit, Jim Comey stood in the room. And Ashcroft refused to sign, telling Gonzalez that Comey was the acting AG. And Comey wasn’t signing either.
Then there was a threatened mass resignation from Justice and FBI officials from Mueller and Comey on down the line unless changes were made to the law.
So yeah, in more ways than one, NPR added insult to injury by even allowing Gonzalez to mention Jim Comey’s name, let alone comment on the situation.
I had great respect for Comey, and Robert Mueller, in spite of their Republican label, for this incident alone, and Mr. Comey has certainly eroded that respect with his behavior over the last eight months or so. But. He had a long and distinguished career over the course of several Administrations of both parties and the way Donald John Trump did him yesterday was just dirty. Peevish and peckish and intended to humiliate this man, who had served his country well and honorably for a very long time. And I probably resent that more than I should, considering the larger implications here, but I have never forgotten, in the midst of that mess of lies and darkness that was eight fucking years of W. this one spot of honor and duty between Comey and Gonzalez. And Jim Comey deserved better.


Hear! Hear!

This entire Russian election interference question will dog Trump until his impeachment and we should be glad of that!