Discussion: Top Intel Dem: Committee Has 'Reached No Conclusion' Yet On Trump, Russia

Here comes the ‘separate and very unequal’ reports.


And none will be allowed to be made until well after Hair Furor has left office, since we all know the GOP are more interested in not pissing off Trump supporters than they are about the good of the country.


There will be virtually no investigation into this powder keg of criminality and impeachable offenses. The excuse will be that it’s better to “look ahead” rather than behind. Or, the disruption to our nation’s business would be too great. The same bullshit that always gives cover to spineless oversight committees and career politicians. And, as we all know, traitorous activities by a good ol’ boy Rethuglican are nowhere near as bad as Hillary’s private server and…BENGHAZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZIIIIIIIIIIII!!!


Kindof a misleading headline to simply say they’ve “reached no conclusion” when the full quote is:

“We have, I think, reached no conclusion, nor could we, in terms of issues of collusion, because we haven’t called in a single witness or reviewed a single document on that issue as of yet,” Schiff told reporters during a press conference.

The actual headline is that they’ve done no investigation yet.


So the GOP has decided to go “all in” on PeePee. They’re going to deny any wrongdoing by doing no serious investigations, they’re going to sweep the mountains of evidence under the rug, they’re going to announce their conclusions before any inquiries are made and now McConnell is saying “the GOP is Trump and Trump is the GOP.”

Good. This will not end well for them.

BTW, the FoxNation Poll is still active on whether or not PeePee’s Russian ties should be investigated. Spoiler alert: Well, just go vote and see the results - they will surprise you!


Sorry to state the obvious, but these GOP clowns are behaving in a really guilty fashion here…

Their desperation is sort of hilarious.



Maybe Nunes can get a head start and just submit his now.

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Well then save your time and the tax payers money. Just conclude what Donald and his gang tell you.

Earlier on Monday, however, House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes (R-CA) insisted there was no evidence that members of Trump’s campaign were in contact with Russian officials before the election.

Well, yeah, Devin, if you’ve not reviewed one document related to the investigation or spoken with any witnesses – of course, you’ve seen no evidence of ANYTHING.

Today’s Republicans sure are truth-challenged.


No, the excuse will be, “Fuck you, we don’t need an excuse.”

This guy is not my kind of Democrat. You know, the kind of person who stands up. “We have, I think, reached no conclusion, nor could we, in terms of issues of collusion, because we haven’t called in a single witness or reviewed a single document on that issue as of yet,” Well, duh-uh. Why not just say, “We haven’t even started yet.”

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It was a wordy way of saying “We haven’t even begun any investigations yet – we’re waiting on the ruling party to get started.” Sometimes, the less said the better.

Actually, he comes across pretty well. I didn’t see this interview, but I’ve seen several interviews in recent weeks on MSNBC and he’s pretty good. Seems a bit mild-mannered, but he speaks his mind when he expresses concern about the Trump-Russia affair.

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remind me. when weren’t they? ike?

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LOL. Good point. I guess it’s best to look at as a scale. Currently, they’re “off the scale.” :laughing:

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It’s so important to get these cabinet nominees into their offices where they can be superfluous at best.

And we’ll have an alleged money launderer as Secretary of Commerce in just a few hours when Ross is confirmed.
Hey, Look, Another Russian Connection in Trump’s Cabinet
Trump’s pick for commerce leaves Russia questions unanswered

SO what is going to take???
Actual pics of bedtimes
Bathroom scenes
or just go with the proof that already exists?

Please don’t give him any ideas.

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