Discussion: Top House GOPer Won't Back Trump's Idea To Tax Businesses That Move Abroad

“I think the point the president-elect was trying to make was…”
What to say when your guy says the unbelievable.


Bet McCarthy doesn’t have the balls to fight him. Guess what McCarthy, he is all yours.

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The thing is trump thinks he can levy taxes independent of Congress.
Article 1 section 8 “To regulate commerce with foreign nations…”
That is a Congressional power as is taxation and spending any money.


My guess is that elected Republicans are going to miss Obama just as much as we are…


This loser is trying to humiliate you, Trumpie. Not to mention that awful, horrible Susan Collins. Time to fire up the ol’ Twitter machine!


Trump: Kevin McCarthy is an idiot. He is an absolute failure, a disaster. What has he accomplished since he was born. Nothing. I will put him in Jail.


…waive Constitutional rights on a whim, ignore existing Federal laws, make up new laws on the fly without Congress…


Although I think McCarthy’s ‘idea’ is half assed (using the honor system with Corporations…hahahahaha) I’m amazed to see him sort of standing up, well…at least disagreeing…with ANY Republican.

This is the part that I think is genuinely interesting about the coming administration. Trump is used to business deals, relatively straight-forward negotiations which have only minor attachments to other dealings and limited ramifications if they succeed or fail.

Basically, the exact opposite of US Tax policy.

When you do something like shake China’s cage by calling Taiwan, you throw an hand grenade into a complicated spiderweb of international policy entanglements that has maintained balance across the world. In the same way, retaliatory tariffs are likely to destabilize these dealings.

This isn’t like pissing off a bank, so they won’t lend to you again… millions of jobs depend on our export trade relationships, to say nothing of the prices of goods we import from China.

And these people have a Navy, Donald. This isn’t a spurned business partner you can sideline after milking them on a deal. This isn’t a world where there are infinite other suckers for you to grift after the current lot catch on to the fact you don’t fulfill your promises… You’re playing a game where in your tone of voice on a phone call is going to have ramifications, to say nothing of your actual words.

And the guy on the other end has a nuclear arsenal and a large share of the current US debt…



They’ll miss the reasonable opposition party (now that they have to fight one another instead) and they’ll miss the convenient dog-whistle straw man they can blame all the country’s faults on…

There are some serious statesmen in the GOP, men and women with whom I disagree on nearly every issue, but can at least respect as well-informed, passionate, and deliberate servants of their constituents.

But a lot of those people are being replaced by right-wing zealots the last decade, and their replacements have been making a good living doing nothing and blaming the Democrats.

I’m curious as to how they will cope with actually having the power (and the associated responsibility) to run things.


Trump will soon learn that there is no “I” in CONGRESS. So when he said “I” am the only one who can fix it, he was sorely misinformed.

At least I hope some of the GOP will come to their senses and block Trump’s craziness to protect the country.

Well ya ! What do you think tin pot dictators do, abide by the rules and make nice?
Donald has a mandate (less 2.5 million votes) doncha know.
If it’s OK with Hannity it must be legal


Aww C’mon…Congress is waaaay too slow. Who needs ‘em? Not modern, Not tweetable. Laws? We don’ need no stinkin’ laws.
I think having this shitgibbon as POTUS is torture for us and our country. Same as being waterboarded for 4 years…daily.

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Kevin McCarthy is, and will always be, a dim bulb.


This is how it plays out. Any policies not embraced by the GOP will die, and we will be left with the standard “screw the poor and adulate the rich” policies the GOP has been lusting after for a half century.

But after hearing McCarthy try to speak several times over the years did he really disagree with Herr Trump?

Well, there is t hat…

Exhibit 1 is this:
Instead, McCarthy favored lowering the corporate tax rate in the U.S. to ensure companies wouldn’t be leaving in the first place instead of hitting companies with tariffs if they leave.

Companies have already learned how to hide the profits overseas to avoid taxes. The jobs go overseas to save money on wages, benefits, worker health and safety, environmental safeguards, etc.

The GOP plan is to cut taxes on all corporations, including those that can’t move many of their jobs overseas. The benefits will be dwarfed by the cost. The budget strain will require cuts to entitlements and to benefits for government employees. Long live the cycle.

Edited to add: I just discovered that commiedearest already covered this in fewer words above:

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Trump’s idea of imposing 35% tariffs and cutting off welfare for companies that move American jobs should be embraced by the Democrats. They should move on this right away under President Obama’s remaining term. It will create jobs and force companies to innovate in the United States. There is increasing evidence that the free trade agreements don’t create jobs and lead only to more corporate welfare and offshore tax fraud.

Remember Kevin McCarthy is a Loser, an incompetent fool whose entire legislative record consists of renaming two post offices in his district and banging fellow congresswoman Renee Ellmers on the taxpayer’s dime. He is one of the few people in Congress who "have visited Poland, Hungria, Estonia,” and also “visited in our, uh, the allies in the Arab Gulf.” His assessment of the economy was “If you look at every rate where you go through, America is the second highest where they go. If you look at how the jobs are departed, you find that statistically we are too high”