Discussion: Top House GOPer Heckled With 'Save Our Health Care' Chants At MLK Rally

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Yes, a “smooth and stable transition” from full coverage to no coverage at all. Gotcha.


They’re going to feel like Dem legislators felt in 2010. Good luck with that, guys.

Check out this nice data point from Pew. This is going to get ugly for them and quickly.


Embrace the blowback, motherfuckers.


Dear Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers:

If you can’t figure out PPACA was written in such a way it would be extremely difficult to ‘unwind’ it after Pres Obama’s second term you are not qualified to be in office.


These people are delusional. They stand on the barricades and shriek “Obamacare delenda est” and then try to tell everyone that nothing’s going to change when they repeal the Affordable Care Act. It’s like they think that Obamacare is something that exists in another country and has no effect on anyone in the US.


she seems more like the type of Republican that would bring back 19th century health care practices…

how many chickens do you think it would take to cover a $250K hospital stay?


So this woman, in addition to her “defenses of marriage” and watered-down violence against women proposals, has been a loud critic of President Obama and the ACA for years. Her constituents, who regularly return her to office with around 60% of the vote, suddenly discover she represents a danger to their way of life because she voted to gut the ACA?. Sounds like McMorris Rodgers and her constituency deserve each other.


No one will lose their coverage “the day [the ACA] is repealed.” But a few weeks later, sorry folks, you’re screwed.

But they are just doing what they promised to do for years, and their loyal followers never bothered to pay attention to what they were saying or consider the consequences.


FOX: Obama does not like democracy. They are now going after conservative women because they voted for Trump.
Trump: Why is it so hard for liberals to accept defeat. Electoral College spoke very clearly. And no, I will not give any health care to Liberals. Tough.


She is a lying witch who blames EVERYTHING on the ‘other’ and doesn’t do squat for her (very safe) Republican district. She is the bane of our state.


“We may not always agree with one another, but we can come together and find common ground to create change and progress right here in Eastern Washington,”

Teatroll Rosetta Stone: “YOU cooperate with US. WE don’t cooperate with YOU.”


On NPR on Sunday morning, someone interviewed Roy Blount of Missouri. When pressed about there being nothing after “repeal”, Blount insisted that was an outright falsehood: (paraphrasing here) “It won’t be repeal and nothing, it will be repeal and restore. The system will revert to the same system we had before, well run by the states; nobody will be left with nothing.”

This is dangerous stuff; the GOP is playing with fire.


Another GOP sociopath.


Back to good old Dubya days. Keep in mind though, Rs still won the house back in 2010 regardles. They are not too concerned about the ramifications as their voters will vote for them no matter what. Just look at KY which stands to lose the most if OCare goes away.


Hecklers: Save our Health Care.

GOP: Why? Get sick and Die already.


She is selling out her constituents on health care. If her constituents are smart , they will vote her out of office and replace her with a Democrat who will help them retain their health care benefits,and preserve Social Security and Medicare. McMorris- Rodgers cares only about her wealthy contributors and her lobbyist pals in Washington,D.C.

This is good news. Notice the jump in Republican camps… the message is getting through that health care is good. Thanks, Obama!


It seems to me that politicians like McMorris Rodgers speak at MLK Day events and spew their empty platitudes about all of us getting together to stop racism, but only after they flocked around a smarmy guy whose entire campaign was built upon keeping that racism and xenophobia alive. They talk their talk and think that people would believe them, She might as well have had the Youngbloods’ record ‘Get Together’ playing in the background. But when it comes to implementing what she talks about, she’s lost. The crowd’s chants fell upon deaf ears. All she could do was keep plowing through her speech…before her spokesmouth tells the press that she wants a 21st century health care plan. Gee, I thought the ACA was confirmed in the 21st century.


HAHA! Truly, @captaincommonsense, I can’t get over this…What the fuck did they expect? This is what Republicans do! This is on them! I don’t blame a steamroller for running people over. I blame the people for not getting out of the fucking way. A steamroller is going to do what it’s going to do. For these people to scream “betrayal”, is a load of shit. If there is one thing the GOP has always been consistent on, it’s destroying government programs of any kind! Or, worse, if they didn’t know Obamacare was the ACA, they, again, have no one to blame but themselves. This is laughable. However, it’s a symptom of the sickness we live in. Where misinformation and targeted tribal propaganda rule the day. This isn’t going to get any better. So, more and more, it’s up to the voter to educate him or herself. And, that’s not going to happen. So, this will happen more and more. People will continue to vote against their own interests.

As I said the other day–

Stupidity has won.