Discussion: Top GOP Senator Hints At Gov't Shutdown Fight Over Immigration

Discussion for article #230052

Bring it, you bat-eared tiny-minded moron. Let’s see if you remember how it worked out for the tantrum-throwing congressman from Georgia.


Did you write this story from scratch, or did you pick one of the half-dozen others and just change “Obamacare” or “Bush Tax Cuts” or whatever to “Immigration”?


Excellent idea. Please demonstrate the GOP’s superior skills in problem-sovling, negotiating successful resolutions to contentious issues, and, above all, the GOP’s ability to manage a functional government. Impeach, shut down, and blame Obama when the Congress can’t do its damn job. God bless what once was a great country.


Problem is that a couple of Senate Blue Dogs (see Manchin, J.) would side with the GOP in a shutdown, but no matter. ‘Congress’ will be blamed, not PBO.

“Executive amnesty” is the recommended talking point in the memo sent to the Racist Party.


I hope they follow through with all their threats. Perhaps all the assholes who thought voting for them was a good thing, might realize their mistakes. I am NOT holding my breath,


Geez, another government shutdown would be entirely on the GOTP. I say, proceed Senator Sessions.


Umm, so how is it, exactly, that you defund not doing something . . .?

Only the genius of Jeff Sessions can tell us. Maybe Sessons and Jim Inhofe and Ron Johnson and one or two other of the Senate Republican Mensa caucus can get all six of the neurons they have between them and brainstorm up an answer to that for their caucus.


I believe I’ve been predicting this about the December 2, 2014 deadline for a continuing resolution all along. No superpowers, clairvoyance or inhuman prescience needed to see this one coming.

Teatroll Rosetta Stone: “We can’t let this happen because even just allowing ‘the good ones’ to stay is gong to fuck us demographically!!!”


Raising the question of whether we going to have one big shutdown or will we have a series of shutdownlets over each of them individually.


Jeff, it is Impeachment over immigration. The coming Government Shutdown is supposed to be over obamacare. The debt ceiling default is for Gay Marriage.

Do we have to teach you inbred, extra chromosome bumpkins everything?

Try to keep it straight from now on.

Also, please get the Denver Post on the phone, and ask them how their feeling about that Cory Gardner endorsement now.


Every time I see this racist little twit, I think of the bird-painting Nazi dude from Blues Brothers.


Could we please have some articles about what Democrats are doing to try to avoid this (besides them just squealing and begging for money)?

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A government shutdown threat. Well, that didn’t take long.


I dare ya Mr Sessions. I suggest you read up on some recent history. Like when your party di this the last time and see how well it worked out for ya. BTW: yes we just had an election but don’t take that to mean we hold Congress is high regard … we don’t. Your approval rating is less than Obama’s…by a factor of 3 at least

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Except…Isn’t the whole RWNJ media machine much bigger and more influential now? Seems like they are firing on all cylinders now in ways that seem more insidious?

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Please proceed, Senator Dobby.

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Me too. Good call.


It’s a bluff. They desperately want to keep Obama from doing this, because he will get credit from the Hispanic community. And they think Obama is a weak sister, easily bluffed into relinquishing political advantage. I don’t think Obama will be bluffed on this, but I’m not at all confident that the Administration has the political skills to do the deed and have the American people blame the Republicans for having “forced” him to do so. We shall see.

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