Every citizen automatically gains the right to vote at age 18, and then it is just a race against time for Mr. Shit-stain-on-history here to find new and clever ways to restrict that right before the next election. “Wanna vote? Lemme see how high you can jump, boy.”
““cheapen” the work civil rights leaders put in fighting for everyone’s right to vote”
Yeah, sure. That’s the reason you don’t want automatic voter registration.
OK, I’ve got a deal for him. For the next hundred years, all the white people in his state will have to run a gauntlet of dogs, fire hoses and people armed with clubs to get their voter registration forms. All current registrations in overwhelmingly white areas will be canceled, and current voters will have to re-register.
Oh, some of them would be too lazy to do that?
And President Trump will begin putting that right back in place, right after he repeals and replaces the ACA, including adding the nothing for you lazy people provision. Today’s GOP, making a mockery of the Party of Lincoln and strangling the constitution, one breath at a time.
If our minority population doesn’t get out and vote these racist Republicans and Trump from ever taking public office, they will only have themselves to blame.
The Republicans have been just like Trump for a very long time…Trump isn’t smart enough to keep the Republican’s real intentions and beliefs quiet.
Trump has exposed Republicans for exactly what they are: bigots, racists, corrupt, and a bunch of liars.
Why are all these clueless GOP red-necks so worried about black voter’s?
After all, according to Donnie, all black voter’s want to vote for him.
And he’s a long-time champion of civil rights. For some people.
Too bad the Constitution doesn’t require Americans to wear a Fitbit in order to exercise their right to vote… #lazy
How dare this prick use Civil Rights leaders to justify his ignorance and bigotry. And who decides who’s lazy Merrill? You? Next he’ll be suggesting people take a literacy test. Umm, I think fuckers like you tried that. That’s why we had Civil Rights leaders willing to stand up to fools like you, you jerk.
What’s most scary is this guy is the Sec. of State of Alabama. They have an inordinate amount of power these days regarding voting too. Just another good ole boy that’s stuck in a 1950’s mindset.
**That lazy argument was what Gov. Nerd and the legislature tried to use in Michigan not long ago when they tried to eliminate straight-ticket voting. They wanted voters to be forced to “research” their candidates instead of just being able to pick a party. (There is still an option however to split ones ballot if they choose btw) But, they made the erroneous assumption that voters didn’t already research the difference between the two parties. Thank gawd that decision was overturned by a judge. It would have meant longer lines particularly in minority districts the way they tried to change the law, especially if a biased SoS cut back polling places or limited machines in certain districts. They tried that 4 years ago here. I’m still wondering what shenanigans Rethugs will try here this time.
WHAt? We don’t haVe any blacK in the GOP. At least Not until we Take bacK the ghettos froM the corrupT who Run theM and maKe education bad anD all the crime. TheN theY,ll be Grateful and joiN our big Tent.
First, screw you.
Second, what does this sound like?
“I’m not attracted to lazy people or sorry people or people that don’t want to get involved,” he said in the interview. “I’m sure there’s probably some good people that are sorry and lazy”.
Oh, yeah.
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best…They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
Third, if you create institutional barriers to make it harder for poor and minority citizens to vote, and THEN call them “sorry and lazy” for not registering and voting, you are a worthless pile of human garbage.
Edit to add: You are also a bigot and a racist.
I need to go make some phone calls.
Actually, in Alabama, it would cheapen the work KKK leaders have put in …
The obvious extension is that making it considerably harder to vote would improve outcomes. Any rational person can see that this leads to a dangerous place.
Dey nah pickin dat cotton fas enuf. Dey alluz lazy.
It’s so exhausting that these guys and media continue to pretend that these efforts to restrict registration and enforce “voter ID” are anything but a blatant effort to suppress minority votes.
It’s a modern poll tax, enforced by racists that would rather deny the most basic democratic right to minorities than actually try to appeal to them. And they know it, and we know it, and they know we know it, but we still have to go through this disgusting charade.
This is why our politics are broken – because there’s an entire political party that has completely abandoned the concept of “good faith” in favor of pure, unadulterated and unrelenting ratfucking.
Have you seen the reporting on how much it can cost to get even a “free” ID?
“…allowing “lazy people” to register without any effort…”
If registering to vote didn’t require you to recite the entire state constitution from memory or come up with a non-existing identification document, if you didn’t get a “friendly” visit from your landlord threatening eviction, if your children weren’t stopped while walking home from school, if you didn’t need to come up with a registration fee worth 2 month’s pay, if the voter registration office wasn’t closed when the county clerk saw you arrive… well, then you’re just too lazy to vote.
Is it just my bias but why are the majority of your deplorable candidates’ pix show them having punchable faces? Could this be a new category for our Voting the Most Deplorable in 2016?
I’m sure we’ll soon be hearing his rant about the scourge of automatic deposits. After all, if you really want to earn that paycheck, you’ll get your fat fanny down to payroll every week, produce your ID to get that paper check, then go stand in line at the bank (no ATM’s you lazy bastards!) so you can sign the back and deposit it, after manually filling out a deposit slip.