Discussion: Toobin: Trump's Sessions Tweet 'May Be Impeachable Offense'


Register people to vote. There is a Federal Voter Registration form you can download and use in all 50 states and US Territories- https://vote.gov/files/federal-voter-registration_1-25-16_english.pdf. Print out a bunch and keep them with you. Register people on the spot!

If you need to help people overcome the GOP-led voter-run-around campaign help them do that. This site, https://www.aauw.org/resource/organize-a-voter-registration-drive/, has a how-to on organizing a voter registration drive. Or even sitting outside Wal Mart with a folding chair and a card table. Yes, that’s the American Association of University Women.

Organize a League of Women Voters chapter in your community if you don’t already have one. Fair, honest and above board. Democracy functions better with them involved.

Civics, civility and civilization all share the same roots. Get crackin’ and get to the polls in November!!!


I know Trump believes the GOP have given him a pass on impeachment with respect to obstruction of justice, but have reserved their rights on ‘collusion’, but what Trump doesn’t get that as soon as Mueller provides evidence and indictments relating to the election conspiracy and the hack and release conspiracy involving Trump officials and also indicts more GOP officials on lying and cover ups, in a post-Nov 18 world where Dems have taken over the House, many will fall back to Obstruction to get Trump out of office because it would be easier to get him out on those grounds without tainting the entire GOP.

Trump’s disapproval rate among registered GOPers would climb to around 35% to 40% if/when ‘evidence of collusion’ by Trump campaign and other officials is presented in the form of indictments and related statements. If that were to occur, the laws of politics suggest that there would be a movement with legs to unseat him from the Presidency and let the party recuperate. John Kasich has staked his position on this long ago. The weakness of course is that establishment GOP policies are so unpopular that if Trumpers didn’t have Trump to vote for, a lot of them would vote Democratic or just not vote.


Trump has done, said or tweeted about 50 things that - alone - would be impeachable offenses.

Put them all together and the Republican response is, “Meh.”


oh … come on Toobin …

that’s just ’ piling on ’ —

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Everything is an impeachable offense…or nothing is…depending on who controls the House. Impeachment is a political rather than a legal process, and is set in motion not in adherence to strict legal guidelines but merely the belief by enough Reps that the president may have committed “high crimes and misdemeanors.” When Clinton was in office, engaging in and lying about sexual harassment was enough to convince a Repub dominated House that he should be impeached. The current crop of Repub Reps would no doubt have impeached Obama any one of the things they now let Trump slide on. So, I would say that barring Trump being caught on video fellating Putin while crapping on the American flag, I really can’t imagine anything that would rise to the level of an “impeachable offense” for this House.

lThe Most Impeachable President Ever.


Given that IMHO the entire Republican Congress is complicit (whether #trussia directly or via letting him run loose in his abuse of the country) is there any path which taints the GOP and renders them toxic for a generation?

Put more plainly I believe we’re at war and Republicans are aiding and abetting. Even if Agolf Twittler is gone if Rs remain viable we’ll still be be in the same pickle at the last N years with Rs placing #PowerOverCountry by any means necessary.

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