I wonder how many more years of laughing off creepy comments from her fan base, and employers, she can put up with?
How long is her contract?
Tomi the buffoon, still glomming onto phony identity politics. Straight white men are not “oppressed”, you blockhead. Show me one, just one, and I’ll show you a racist/misogynist/fascist asshole who is merely be called out on his racism/misogyny/fascism.
Or do you offer yourself as a shining example of “being oppressed”. That’s precious.
Remember Tomi, you are entitled to your opinion and entitled to share it. You are not however entitled to be free of the social consequences of sharing your opinion.
The winter olympics called. They’re missing a snow flake.
Shades of White Lives Matter.
50 Shades of Straight
Well Fox is sure getting a lot mileage out of their newest whore of babbling on. Sarah P. and her progeny just can’t keep up.
Just keep dying your hair and wearing short skirts and you’ll have a profitable run on Fox.
Forgive me, but who the fuck is this…person?
“Don’t forget: It is open season on straight, white men in this country and y’all aren’t allowed to celebrate your straightness,”
“It’s 2019. Don’t you know that’s been off-limits for the past 10 years?”
A Whiter Shade Of Fail
Aw poor vapid little Tomi - bless her hollow little head. She must spend hours totally perplexed by the idea that we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway.
Interesting mix of kayfabe, bland sexuality and concern trolling in Lahren’s schtick.
Appeal to the older, reactionary white male demographic probably guarantees her income stream for awhile but eventually she’ll be too old and they’ll be dead so she might want to make sure she’s getting good investment advice.
She’s twenty six #hercontractrenewalissoon
This is unbelievable stupid. No wonder she works for Faux News.
Artificial intelligence test experiment number #32123. Failed.
Grifter girl Tipi Lanyard says more stupid stuff.
Tomi Lahren is not worth the spit it takes me to write this, but
OMG, the oppressed majority right-wing whites are apoplectic that their gerrymandered voting superiority is upset because their racist views may not be acceptable to Bostonians?
Lahren is an example of the Nazis among us.
(hey, if Huckabee can imply Nazis on the internet, so can I)