Discussion: Tom Steyer's NextGen Climate Group Calls Koch Brothers 'Chicken'

Discussion for article #223093



LOL Love it!


Save us from the lords of the flies.

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Happy to see someone who is out in the open about his positions like Tom Steyer take on the very secretive Koch brothers.

The more they and their anti-American activities are kept in the spotlight, the better.


Great ad. These great resource thieves deserve all the shaming they can get.


Guess you can’t just call them cocks?

PS. For those who don’t know, their name is pronounced “coke”. Or so their recruiters have told me when trying to get me to work for them. Apparently they think that dropping their name will be a positive for some people.


what the kock bros couldnt afford to buy some feckless idgit to debate ??? hey I hear slanthead hannity might be avaliable or oreally he can explain again about the tides goin in and out

Oh hell… can’t wait until they air this!

Move over super-funder (in the eyes of the righties anyways) George Soros. I personally don’t have the first clue of what Soros ever did or why he is targeted beside the fact that the Republicans always need to make their dirty work seem equal.
This guy Steyer is obviously ready to go nose to nose with the Koch’s and that is all good for us. Number one, it puts more attention on the deeds of the Koch’s and the layers of those deeds. Then, it somewhat levels the newly unleveled playing field that the Supreme Conservatives handed down. And finally, this may be the biggest climate change pro-active effort going and all of the politics won’t mean beans if we dry up, blow away or burn down.

So, I’m all for Tom Steyer and I hope he has numerous other like-minded, ready to give to the cause, friends.


I think part of it is that he sounds all foreign, too. Ferriners are scary.


Love it. Love everything about it. Love Reid’s assaults on them too.

These people are greedy oligarchs trying to become wealthier by rigging the system to their benefit… all while cowering behind their wealth and refusing to come out of the shadows.

The only way to fight this kind of money is with money and sunlight - glad to see billionaires with a conscience finally starting to do just that!


…or the guillotine, once they push it too far.


Koch-heads, come out, come out wherever you are!

Koch brothers know that their positions won’t stand up to a fair debate. It’s why they need dark money and lots of it. They know propaganda works. I’m glad someone’s finally fighting back using similar weapons, but using them to force honest debate rather than insidious undermining of our civic trust.


You mean Soros right?

Why, I always wonder, doesn’t the scary foreigner thing apply to Faux and Murdoch? He is actually, majorly, damaging our nation.

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More than that they are insanely committed to imposing their very, very horrendous view of society and of the capitalism they claim to defend against government on all of us. Their recent meddling in local town and school board elections make this clear. As does their entirely uncalled for interference in the Detroit bankruptcy. They are fanatics driven on worse than Hamlet by the not laid to rest ghost of their dead John Bircher father.


They won’t debate because they know they will look like total fools. The Koch brothers want to use their money to influence politics and make money off of oil - but they don’t want to actually back up anything they pay for.

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Because he’s from an English speaking country. Soros isn’t.

Poll Faux viewers, I’ll bet a small percentage know he’s actually a foreigner. And besides, do Greeks count as white? Or maybe white enough if they’re a GOPer?

My one criticism is that cute chicks are not the right metaphor. Maybe molting old cocks missing most feathers?


If they aren’t white, what are they? Olive I guess, and that sounds good to me not bad or scary…
I’ll guarantee you that the majority of the rabid right are mutts descended from mutts.
I only say that because most of us are but they can’t even deal with the realities of themselves. I’m a good part American Indian (with blue eyes) and it would seem natural considering their self-imposed claim to this land that they would love me and my olive complexion and real native roots, but nooooooooo!

The righties hate because they do, it is inconsistent, makes no sense, and changes like our weather and the climate : )