It’s like big brother speak from 1984. Without a mandate, how can risk be spread and costs contained? “I don’t want any of those things, and I want it to be affordable for all.” Yea, and I want wings…
Fucking guillotines. That’s what we need.
“Price said that everybody should have access to healthcare.”
This is true especially for unemployed people.
Like Price.
Price is a physician right? Now that he is back in the private sector he probably hears from other physicians and hospital executives that the uninsured are killing their chances of making spectacular profits. So now he is all in favor of everybody having funded healthcare. It is all a matter of perspective.
Typical BS GOP conflation. People want “affordable and accessible” HEALTH CARE. They know those adjectives are favorable and what people want about HEALTH CARE, but they attach is to “coverage” so that can argue that this issue of far lesser important to people is what they can claim to have delivered.
“Coverage”, i.e., insurance, is always pitched as “affordable and accessible” because they are in the business of taking premiums, not in the business of paying claims. You can make insurance very affordable and accessible. You just have to make it cover less, fight the claims with fine print, limit or loophole benefits, and so forth. You can offer just coverage via email or over the phone, making it EXTRA “affordable and accessible”, but worthless as to covering the financial risk of actually helping people get or stay well.
Obamacare offered people both affordable and accessible coverage AND care, but wiping out the junk policies that actually did little to nothing to deal with the financial risk of health events and just plain bad luck. The GOP is simply heartless or, worse, greedy and deceptive, in backing or allow or even promoting the notion that cheap coverage is the answer, not comprehensive coverage with the costs spread across society and, particularly, the wealthy paying a lot more toward it because they can.
If you want people to have healthcare you have a Conservative option(Obamacare), and a Socialist option(Nationalized) and there’s really nothing in between.
"We want everybody to have coverage,” . . . “affordable, accessible” coverage.
The health care world as seen by Democrats looks for the intersection of broad coverage, affordability and accessibility. The GOP is fine with universal accessibility, which has never been an issue, but has no problem with the disconnect between broad coverage and affordability that leaves a large portion of the country in the SOL category.
Despite his ardent opposition to the Affordable Care Act, former Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price said that everybody should have access to healthcare, according to a Monday CNN report.
Yes, and everyone can send a check to Price Partners, LLC and they'll lobby Congress to implement a sensible policy.
I’m guessing that Price’s healthcare coverage excludes cosmetic surgery.
So what exactly is his plan? Public option or the usual Republican nonsense about the ER as a catch-all?
Well, one appointment with it and they fulfill their deductible completely.
Aspirin and the healing power of prayer.
And…jeez…only if he had been in a position to do something about it.
I’d almost have been okay with the private jets and the pillaging of the taxpayer dollar if he’d done some good for the country.
You know, in this bizarre-o world of Spanky & Co, where black is white and white black and forwards is backwards…I wouldn’t put it past them to spin nationalized single-payer into not-socialist, not-progressive and go for it because Obama was too wussy to do it…
They may even find the appropriate passage in the Bible somewhere to justify it (like that “Spanky is fulfilling a biblical prophecy” crap making the rounds now).
“Everyone should have healthcare, just not in a manner in which we can’t take all the credit.”
THAT is how fucking petty these people are and how little they think of playing with your lives for their own benefit.
Stonewalling BS. Does he think we don’t remember that Obamacare starting out as a conservative faux alternative to health reform in the 80s-90s? He’s got nothing. But if he did have something, and the Democrats called his bluff and said okay, let’s try it, he would immediately start opposing it.
“Nobody wants individuals not to have coverage. We want everybody to have coverage. Having everybody have coverage is imperative at this point.”
I just want to go on the record and say: This man is a lying liar who lies and that what he said above is a lie.
Just in case there was any confusion.
That is all.
Thank you.
Aspirin between the knees, please.
I’m sorry, but all aspirins are currently busy assisting women in remaining chaste. Would you like an Advil instead?