Discussion: Tom Price Boldly Predicts That Senate Bill Will 'Cover More Individuals'

Price is a champion liar and very creepy.


Wonder who is right here, the Congressional Budget Office or this partisan hack in an administration full of lying morons?


Tom Price Boldly Predicts That Senate Bill Will ‘Cover More Individuals’

I think the medical term that best describe’s Tom Price’s claim of more people covered is ‘Bovine Stool’


So “Bold” is the new “utter bullsh*t”? Let’s remember that he’s also basing his prediction on the idea that someone with a policy that doesn’t pay for anything is “covered”.


“Boldly predicts” is now what we call “blatantly lies???”


He oozes snake oil.


I think what Secretary Price meant was that more people would be covered under Trumpcare is that they will wind up in the care of a professional mortician :monkey_face:


[Price] argued that the legislation could actually provide health insurance to more individuals than the Affordable Care Act

Should Price be lauded as a true visionary who boldly goes where no man has gone before or summarily dismissed as the fool who rushes in where angels fear to tread?


He should be vilified as a callous dishonest slimeball who is willing to make money corruptly while condemning his fellow citizens to an early death.


Well that, too.


He’s being taken out of context here. “More individuals will be covered […] by debt, by six feet of dirt.”


Folks, we need to come to the realization that, as a nation, we’re doomed when it comes to sensible, effective health care. Here’s why it will never be resolved:

The food industry owns enough congressional reps/senators to block any sensible dietary guidelines
The animal protein industry (pork, beef, lamb, chicken, fish, etc) will never give an inch of turf.
Congress will not deeply subsidize super foods (spinach, garlic, kale, beets, broccoli, etc)
The USDA is controlled by the very companies/industries it’s supposed to regulate
Health orgs like American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, American Diabetes Asso, Komen, are financed by the very companies that cause the health problems like heart disease, cancer, diabetes.
Congressional reps/senators will never stand up to Big Ag, Big Pharma, Big Food, so nothing will be done

All the legislation on earth cannot change the fact that Americans eat crap almost all the time. Toxins in our food supply, massive marketing of fast food, the Fanjul family (of FL) that owns the world’s sugar industry, and the age-old philosophy that we all have the right to be fat and sick. Insurance won’t make you healthy. Insurance won’t save your life. Congress will never do the right thing, so stop expecting someone else to fix our problems. We, The People, can fix ourselves. If we want to, but we don’t. Now, everyone, let’s toast to freedom! Raise a glass of beer, take a huge bite of that double cheese burger, scarf down that pizza, slather that hot dog with some more mayo, cut off a big chunk of cheese and let’s all be glad we live in a country that allows us the freedom to be fat, sick, sedentary loads. Don’t worry, our healthy neighbors will pitch in to pay for that statin drug, that quadruple bypass, that insulin. Praise gawd!!

Great. Now you are going to SPAM up this thread too.

The basic concept of insurance has gotten so lost that most people want and think they can get coverage that pays for all of the health care they need with premiums and out-of-pocket costs that are a fraction of that total cost for their healthcare. Just as long as they don’t have to help pay for Old Sick Joe next door.


“I know that’s counterintuitive to folks that have been reading other headlines, but the goal is to get every single American covered and have access to the kind of coverage that they want.”

“And it’s really quite simple how we’re going to accomplish this. You see, once all of the uncovered people die, everyone left alive will be covered.”


“So CBO doesn’t even capture those individuals who say to the federal government, ‘I don’t want the plan that you think I need, I want the plan that I know I need for myself and my family,’” Price said.

Listen, you bureaucratic busybodies, our family doesn’t have any cancer scheduled until 2021, and severe injury from a drunk driver is over the horizon in 2027. So, we know we don’t need any more than rinky-dink coverage for 8 or the next 10 years.