Discussion for article #234339
That little boy ought to have a big red FAIL tattooed across his face.
Since he wants a regime change, he may have known exactly what he was saying. (But a regime change to what? I’m so happy the Pres has been working to get regional countries to step up militarily to address regional violence - Boko Haram, Isis.)
This guy is a Harvard grad AND a veteran? Next we will learn he is a Christian.
Quick-- Sen Cotton!
What is Texarkana?
I’ll take Dumb^ss ® Pols for $200 Alex!
It’s a sign of tyranny, this controlling your own capital.
So, because Teabaggers like Cotton don’t control Washington, they’re okay?
Pesky liberal facts…shoo, shoo.
Makes you wonder what he did when he was stationed in the MiddleEast.
Thought this was a good article I read this wkend. Also leaves a lot of questions about Cottonhead still unanswered:
BTW…Cottonbrain comes from the Bill Kristol fully-funded school for grifters and graft. Is it any wonder how he too gets most everything wrong?
maybe the dude got a bad deal from a Persian rug dealer in the past and has just shutdown on this whole Mideast thing.
Yes, it’s terrifying that the Iranians control Tehran, but that’s not nearly as scary as the fact that Republicans control Washington, DC.
the heirs of Shah Reza Pahlevi are comfortable enough in Switzerland, thank you. They say no thanks Sen Cotton , STFU.
Yes, the Rs are in control and doing so poorly at it that Obama’s approval ratings are rising and are about 47-48% (dubya’s approval rating at this point in his presidency was 34% and starting to go south) and among liberal Democrats they’re even higher.
Geography is not his Bagh Dad. He was between an Iraq and a hard place so he ran to Iran to avoid Paul Ryan’s Ayn Rand.
Next Cotton will be travelling to the twin cities of Minneapolis and Rand Paul.
Fucking ignoramous. And fuck Scheiffer for failing to ask the obvious follow-up question: “And would little Tommy Cotton like to tell the class why there’s a massive power vacuum in the region and who caused it?”
Of course, he’d probably go straight to blaming Obama for not violating the SOFA and international law by simply keeping our forces in Iraq against the wishes of its duly elected government, but whatever, at least that highlights what a fucking imbecile he is to the few intelligent folks left out there.
Jesus…between Cruz, Cotton and Obama, Harvard Law is shooting 1 for 3. How fucking embarrassing for them. They’ll just say “yeah, but we can still point to the fact that the two idiots still became Senators.” NO, sorry Harvard, they still look like fucking morons on a daily basis and reveal their carefully masked ignorance continuously. In fact, the idea that the nepotism, old-boys-clubbin’ and plutocracy involved in a Harvard Law education was sufficient to overcome their stupidity should make everyone even sicker.
This is the same crap the GOP pulled during the IAEA and UN WMD inspections in iraq. The GOP needs to re-awaken the military industrial complex and this is how they do it…
Tehren is already lost. However, maybe the U.S. could rescue Paris from French control. It’s really much too interesting of a city for French people to hold sway over.
Yeah, he stoopid. And the stoopid people who put him in his position voted. The so-called “smart” people who didn’t want him there did not.
Besides, it’ll be easy…they’d probably just surrender…
OK if I modify it slightly?