Discussion for article #230015
Sounds like what one does in a Dictatorship to me.
Cotton is going to be a dreadful senator, and this kind of action won’t win him any friends in the media.
It’s one way to avoid making an ass of a politician, but not for long. Cotton will get to feeling comfortable before long and blow it. He’s one of those who just can’t help himself.
These guys really have thin skins, don’t they. And 18 points? Cotton is a nutter. Jesus must be weeping somewhere.
The Joni Ernst campaign model…
How long before the media that supported this nut has buyer’s remorse?
And so it begins.
Clown car needs a trailer hitch…
But he is young, telegenic has a new bride, he will go far in his party. He is also a cold calculating overly ambitious punk, geee he WILL go far in his party.
So he only wants reporters like James Dale Guckert?
its the south they will vote for any conservative that hates Obama.the new civil war has just begun. repeal Obama care, but they won’t have to worry the supreme court will help them.
This is just the way it is in Red States. Texas Republicans do the same thing. Softball questions from friendly reporters is all they want.
“He said we just haven’t acted in good faith,”
Teatroll Rosetta Stone: “He said we hadn’t fawned all over Cotton enough, offering to suck the sweat from his balls in between reporting on his ridiculous conservative ideology as though it’s fresh, new and going to save the planet from black socialist Islam.”
I suppose this means he won’t be returning Rachel Maddow’s calls.
Coward Tom Cotton Bars Liberal Editor from Press Call
(TPM headline edited for enhanced accuracy).
All campaign staff behave this way by the end of a campaign. Loyalty to the candidate trumps professional media outreach. Some of it carries over to the aides of the winners. It’s human nature. Democrats as well as Republicans do it, although the far right, being more authoritarian, tends to do it more, in my experience, and with greater intensity.
boy, this also gives them carte blanche to go the conspiracy theory route, with the cotton camp: “what is sen. cotton doing, that he doesn’t want his constituents to know about? alien babies, melon thighed illegal immigrants in the larder, sex slaves on his boat?”
this could be good for 6 years worth of haranguing him incessantly, and there’s nothing the “honorable” sen. will be able to do about it. too, too rich!
Well now, that didnt take long
Considering the drubbing that the Democrats took in this election the Republicans should consider that they need to make friends with all the media. But what they should consider and do consider will be two different things.
In fact the Republicans will shut out anyone who does not agree with them, the reason, they’re dictators and authoritarians who are never going to be open to differing ideas.