Discussion: Toilet Tanks And Cereal Boxes: Gun Co. Offers 'Dirty' Tips For Hiding Your Handgun

Discussion for article #223249

Geez, I hope they’re more competent with guns than carpentry.
Look at that mess.

Edit: Oh, I see- they made that with a succession of shots.


This was an Xray of a gun a guy hid up his ass. Got deleted tho.


This is NOTHING MORE than Beretta stoking an out of control paranoia fetish in America so gun sales can go through the roof. Gee, I wonder if they do this back home in Italy or if they’re just trying to take advantage of insane Americans?


This will lead to accidental handyman deaths. “Oh yeah. I forgot I hid a gun in the wall. Sorry.”


Apparently Beretta has never heard the phrase “obscurity is not security.”

As for triple-wrapping a gun in the toilet tank . . . I think a gun safe is quicker for goodness sake.

I got a spot – inside the electric dryer.

Or – on top of the heat exchanger on the furnace.

Better – in amongst your kids’ Heroscape collection. No one will be looking there.


What idiocy:
“Together with the gun news website Guns.com, the manufacturer has put together a “down and dirty” guide to hiding handguns around the home. The ideas include stashing a gun in cereal boxes, laundry hampers, and old CD wallets.”

My 5yr old grandson knows how to fix cereal in the morning.
I can see a gun being carelessly dropped from a pile of laundry and discharging .
And the local 14 yr old looking for CD’s and finding a hand gun…what kind of fun can I have with THIS!!

Jesus frigging Christ…

I’m thinking guns, far from just being tools, cause insanity in any human near by.


Thanks for the tips on where to stash my grass.

“Be it from prying eyes, fingers or leaders, hiding your [paraphernalia] is an integral part of safely owning [drugs], and never more than when it comes to your [weed]”


In a tub of Crisco.
Hollow out a watermelon.
The mouth of a taxidermied deer head.
You know-be creative.


Why not just leave the goddamned gun on the kitchen table fer Chrissake. Problem solved. Just call the local EMT’s to clean up the resulting carnage.


Well, a 14yr old doesn’t know what a CD is. But still…


A child’s toybox or Easy Bake Oven is ideal.


You could take another tip from Walter White and make and sell meth. You know, so you can fund more firearms purchases.


Here’s a tip for the gun company: on a property search, these are the FIRST PLACES cops all around the USA and Canada look for hidden guns and ammunition magazines. Cops had these tips at least 20-30 years ago, and look for drugs in those locations also.

There’s a dozen other places cops look in the first hour of any property search. But cops don’t tell gun sellers and gun owners where those are. There’s even 10-12 places in a car that cops look for contraban or guns and knives. Let them tell you where.


Sorry ‘bout that’ I’m just an old geezer. A gun owner who keeps old shot guns and a flintlock inside a locked gun safe inside a dead bolted closet. And any ammo elsewhere.


Jon Stewart! Where are you? Haven’t you already written the script and rehearsed hiding a gun on your person when you are female and at the beach?

Also great if you apply it to snacks:

“Storage styles fall on a spectrum between two categories, ‘go-to snacks’ (primary snacks that can/will be accessed at a moments notice) and ‘backup snacks’ (snacks that are better hidden and harder to access, but may hold some specific strategic value),” the guide says.


Beretta’s advice is lacking in 2 areas.

First, two levels of firearm readiness (go-to and backup) is entirely inadequate.

You need a preemptive firearm on the front end. On the back end, you need the safe-room weaponry, the last-stand weapon, and the I’m-taking-you-all-with-me big bomb to launch you into your final home in NRA Jesus’s shoulder holster.

Second, thieves, your standard home invaders after your women and gold, and tyrannical governments are wise to the laundry hamper, linen closet, etc. Your best bet is to disguise your weapons as children’s toys and leave them laying around in plain sight. Based on the gun laws congress and the states have put into place, it is clear that politicians and bureaucrats assume that no gun owner would EVER leave a gun where a child could get to it.

If lawmakers thought otherwise, they would require gunmakers to engineer a variety of safety features into weapons that would make it much more difficult for a child or other unauthorized person to use it and that would make it very, very obvious when a gun has a round ready to fire.

Note: do I really need a disclaimer here?


Well the best thing about a secret compartment in your kitchen is that you can put your weed in there.


Beretta says “U Need Moar Gunz!”