Discussion for article #225404
I like that a cop gave her a ticket. That’s awesome.
Of course she uses an out of date NASCAR bumper sticker line. I wouldn’t expect anything else.
I’m having a hard time thinking of anything she’s ever said that wasn’t some sort of a bumper sticker line…
She is clearly and obviously a skoff law. I always suspected that she had NO respect for the Laws of the United States, because she thinks SHE knows better–after all she DOES read every single publication out there daily. All of them.
“I wasn’t speeding,” she told TMZ. “I was qualifying.”
Certified years ago.
Great wit! Spoken like a true reality tv star.
Oh, she’s good.
In all seriousness, the me-first-me-first attitude does extend into daily life and especially driving. If you find yourself renting a car and driving through some deep Republican territory, you’ll see that it is really dangerous. More speeding, more red light running, more texting while driving, all in SUV’s too, which are prone to rolling.
now that she’s clearly aging and nobody cares, she’s doing anything just to get some press.
I wasn’t governing Alaska, I was attention-whoring.
“The best car safety device is a rear-view mirror with a cop in it.
Dudley Moore (1935 - 2002)”
Keep trying Sarah, you’ll be qualified for something someday.
I mean, c’mon there’s gotta be something.
I want the cop to corroborate, under oath, that she said that. She’s not exactly famous for her quick wit. I think she came up with it as she went home, fuming about how she could have made him crawl during her half-term as governor.
Much to her chagrin no doubt.
Well yes her shorter stuff. Her other material is too long and “word salady” for a bumper sticker.
More like listening to “Breaking the law, breaking the law!”
“[Palin] was going 63 miles per hour in a 45 miles per hour zone in her Toyota Tundra.”
A Toyota? Seriously?
A super patriot, love-it-or-leave-it, Paul-Revere-ringin’-those-bells, G-d-bless-the-USA, job-creator-luvin’ American like her? Driving a foreign-built car? Sending jobs and – gasp – profits overseas?
My fragile sensibilities are aggrieved.
When TPM runs stuff like this, they become TPMZ,
Toyota Tundra? She clearly hates America.