I just donât understand why this is even news. Of course the DNC and HRC had a hand in funding this. Opposition research.
And to call this âcollusion with the Russiansâ is patently and on itâs face absurd. THERE ARE NO RUSSIANS INVOLVED IN THE PRODUCTION OF THIS DOSSIER! Thatâs like saying that a detective is âcolludingâ with a murderer because she took the time to interview people who have knowledge of the crime.
I call bullshit on Maggie Haberman and the whole crew.
Thank God Almighty we know now about this. I have no doubt that congressMAN Gowdy we get right to the bottoms of this just like he did with Benghazi! And we will soon learn that how wrong the washingtonpost is, most of the time, but can be right occasionally, and that our greatest president, our hugely greatest president is not to BLAME for his many russian contacts, and those of Paul Manafort and all those other INNOCENTS in his cabinet. How dare those liberal bloodsucking commie pinko darkies conduct oppo research on the the GREATEST human being on the planet.
Wonder when that âunknown Republican donorâ will step forward, now that the DC media has got a dump in their diapers over the HRC campaign and the DNC picking up the tab of normal every day oppo research that showed Trump to be exactly who he is, a disgusting man-child owned by the Russians and in debt up to his shitty implants.
Bullshit is Maggie Habermanâs middle name.
Sheâs working hard to be less credible than Judith Fucking Miller.
I LOVE a good timeline. Best way to understand a story.
Yet federal investigators found its sourcing reliable enough to begin checking out its claims themselves.
The most colorful of its allegations have yet to be verified.
For those of you not in the know, those âcolorfulâ allegations would be yellow.
So the whole new and whopping discovery is that the Hillary campaign was partially funding oppo research by an Englishman.
Allllrighty then.
This is the dreaded nothing burger on dry toast.
The Clinton campaignâs involvement does not diminish the hard facts of the Trumpp campaignâs collusion with Russia or his past dirty deals after going bankrupt 4 or 5 times and burning all of his American bridges.
Don the Con just doesnât want to go to prison alone.
Whoâs Miller, and why is Judith fucking him?
If I am not mistaken, this is just a reassertion that the Dems took over the project and financed it until october 2016. I thought this was already part of the story. Does this new report add anything new to the story?
My curiosity is piqued by two missing elements. 1 - Who initiated the study? Who is the anonymous donor who got the Steele ball rolling? 2 - Why did the donor agree to passing the information on to the Democrats? Didnât they think to pay to embargo the information? Maybe the party stiffed Steele and he was only recouping his losses?
The dossier represents money well spent.
Its accurate, very informative, has that salacious quality and went well beyond the call of duty.
Methinks the Repubs are making jealous.
from the Corn story.
So you see whatâs happening? Republicans are asserting the Steele memos should be dismissed because they are a dastardly Democratic oppo concoction and saying this somehow undermines the whole Trump-Russia scandal
Putting the Page part of the investigation aside,
Someone should ask em if Comey admitting that the agency was investigating â45â should be thrown into the bin too.
While its unknown if the original client, the DNC and the Clinton camp formed an alliance, April was around the time that folks knew that Trump was gonna be the nominee, so it made sense to find out if â45â was tainted.
Sarcasm at its finest!!
Somebody might want to correct a date in the article, âaround December 13, 2017â cannot be correct.
Credible sarcasm, at that. Judith Fucking Miller is a bit over the top.
I think the dossier should be published again to show the American people how much of the dossier is true.
OMG Dossier!!! Fun fact for the Trumpsters and Russian trolls screaming for a special counsel to be appointed for this. There already is one. That would be Robert Mueller. He and his team are empowered to investigate and prosecute any crimes arising from the Russian interference in the election and the potential involvement of the Trump campaign therein. As well as other possible crimes discovered in the course of the investigation. Any wrongdoing by any Clinton campaign officials in connection with the dossier would easily fall within the Mueller teamâs purview. Not that I necessarily think any crimes were committed.