Discussion: TIMELINE: Inside Trump's Escalating Anti-Immigrant Attacks

Trump 2020: Same promise as 2016, do you still love me?

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How about…make autocracy great again. Won’t even have to change the initials on the hats.
Here’s to hoping a future TPM article covering the timeline of Trump’s conquering democracy isn’t in the cards.



The President then broke down in tears on live national television.
“Whatever I do, it just seems to make it worse”, he blubbered.
“I feel so out-matched, so unmanly. I wonder if I’ve been overcompensating
this whole time, acting out to get the approval of a judgy father figure. Mitch? Mitch? Come on over and give me a hug, ok?”


Man. I wonder if FOX would dare to run that story.

EXCELLENT article, Matt.
…one for the history classes of the future.


After LENGTHY decline in border crossings of all kinds there is a massive uptick – similar to the rise when conveniently timed new caravans arose. The excuse for the new caravans – and for these new increases – is (obviously misleading) information on social media. When is someone going to investigate the sources of these new “brushfires” of migration. TIMING IS ALL TOO CONVENIENT!

The GOP endgame on immigration has never pointed to a renaissance of American labor supporting families on 40 hour workweeks. There is literally no mechanism, in anything they believe, to make this happen and in fact, everything they support would trend opposite. Republicans want Americans to work as hard and cheap as immigrants: on-call and at will, for 60 hours a week at 9 bucks an hour, with no benefits and no recourse besides take-it-or-leave-it, until their bodies fail. And that’s just the men. Women can also expect their unwritten job descriptions to automatically include lots of bending over, if Republicans got their way.

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Obviously Trump is not trying to improve the situation… he is trying to make it monumentally worse.


Tuesday, April 2

In an appearance on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show, Nielsen says radical proposals like ending birthright citizenship are “on the table.”

More than two years into Trump’s first term and he still doesn’t know what’s needed to change the Constitution, pathetic. It’s a shame that when he was sworn in that CJ Roberts forgot to give him the “Idiot’s Guide to Presidenting and the Constitution”.

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He has no idea how to control immigration, which is why immigration is getting worse.

So, in lieu of a solution by somebody that Donald can take credit for, he reverts to Plan B — make a lot of “tough little boy” talk and hope people think he’s a marketing genius.

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No. Fox is too buys kissing the ass of Orange Foolius.

Now watch them double down and kiss Ivanka’s ass even more when 2024 approaches.

I work at a government 800# and it’s sad to say but the white base of the GOP worships Trump. There is no end to their deification of him. They will be coming out in mass even more to vote for God’a Anointed King.

Will YOU be as determined to get out the anti-Trump vote in 2020?

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2024–Ivanka? I think she’ll be an ugly footnote in history by that time.


With enough right wingers on the Supreme Court any part of the Constitution is subject to radical reinterpretation. Think about all the ways it has already been dragged to the right in recent years.

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Tell us more about your at work experiences.

‘trump ramps up his stupidity’…
Would be a better headline.

The cause of people coming north isn’t trump so much as it is conditions they’re fleeing at home in Guatemala, El Salvador or Honduras. Fix conditions there and then they won’t come here in huge numbers. It used to be single men decades ago coming north looking for work. Now it is families fleeing with the clothes on their backs and families don’t just pull up generations long roots on a whim. trump uses this as a cudgel to beat his base into believing every last immigrant is a former WWE fighter turned mother/daughter rapist thief looking for more rape and pillage (I am not making that description up…it comes straight from trump himself). He demands the base vote for him because only he can fix this debacle caused by criminal Hillary (another trump description).
I am sure you’ve thought all the foregoing already.

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