Discussion: Tim Kaine Makes Appeal To GOP Voters: ‘We've Got A Home For You Here’

I was on my feet (at home!) at the end. Great attack puppy speech. I’d run through a brick wall for Kaine as quickly as I’d run through one for Biden. This is a fantastic night. I can’t wait to hear the entirety of Obama’s speech now, because I know without a doubt it will be even better.


I have to say that I thought he started out just a little bit goofy, but once he got rollin’, it was great.

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This speech had some very good lines. I have a family member in the armed forces and when Kaine said that he wouldn’t trust Trump with his son’s safety, it resonated with me.
The speech did the job.
Having said that, his cadence is something that will take me a while to get accustomed to, and, I must admit I was watching the clock towards the end of it.
Luckily his opponent is Pence.


I fell in love with Tim Kaine tonight. He is absolutely the right choice to be the partner HRC needs. This was a wonderful night for The Democratic Party. Proud to be a member.


I liked Tim Kaine. He’s sincere, down to earth, funny, and a great smiling attack dog against Trump. He looks like the real thing to me. His mention of the Jesuits and social justice resonated with me, because I was taught byJesuits, too.


And it was!!

He was obviously a bit nervous, especially at first. But I think he’ll get into the swing of it very quickly. He’s so darn likeable, and that can be a great quality in politics.

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You didn’t include Kaine’s mention of Harvey Milk


As a progressive Jew, I immediately felt comfortable when I read that Tim Kaine was a Social Justice Catholic. We can show America what actually believing in and actually fighting for the deepest moral values in both our religions can accomplish.


What was it? “Harvey literally died,” or “Harvey literally took a bullet?”

I didn’t know much about Tim Kaine before tonight’s appearance, but now I loves me some the Senator.

He had the great comic humiliation lines of the evening until Barack beat him at the end with his remark that his Scotch-Irish Kansas ancestors weren’t sure of their birth certificates.

Mike Bloomberg did well with his “I’m a New Yorker and I know a con man when I hear one” as his take on Trump.

Kaine is a wonderful asset.


I missed his speech tonight, will YouTube it tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing what he brings to the table

This is my Dad in 1948 when he was in Gabersee Displaced Persons Camp.He is a Holocaust Survivor and he is very Conservative.
What Kaine said of his own Dad leaving the GOP…that’s what my Dad is also doing.
Thank you Dad.Dad knows how wrong Trump is and he is seeing the GOP as a threat to this nation.