I wish they’d both stop attacking the Presidential candidates - we’ve already had that debate. I’d like to see Kaine go after Pence, something along the lines of “do we really want a radical wannabe theocrat a mere Trump resignation away from the White House?” Only focusing on Trump lets Pence off the hook for his extremism IMO. Go after Pence, too - he’s just as dangerous as Trump, albeit for different reasons.
Kaine is doing better than some like Luntz and Andrew Sullivan are saying…Is this just the news media and bloggers hoping for a ding dong?
Luntz is a GOP shill. Sullivan is a gLibertarian knucklehead.
Didn’t watch. But Kaine certainly could have dinged Pence for Indiana with grounds. Maybe they didn’t want to do that and appear to be dumping on Indiana.
Carville just said, “I thought by the end that Pence was gonna’ start speaking in tongues.”
Its a combination of two factors
First…Trump got his ass handed to him so royally in the first debate, that they are giving into their reflexive need to balance the scales.
Second…They are grading Pence on the lower bar/curve that Trump set. “Well, Pence didn’t explode and have a seizure like Trump did, so clearly he won”
Kaine won this. Pence refused to defend Trump time and time again, and resorted countless time to outright lies. Kaine was quite clear in defending Hillary, and buried Pence in fact after fact after fact. And Pence’s response each time was…not to respond.
Gawwd’ almighty, would somebody please do something to stop Tweety Matthews’ verbal hemorrhaging?
Damned if he can’t ramble on for 5 minutes and never take a breath. Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh!
Kelly Anne Conway looks like her soul died years ago…so, at the least, that means she didn’t just sell it to Trump.
Managing Trump is taking a toll, huh?
How could you NOT attack the bigots who promote the fillity disgusting lie of birtherism? Kaine did good… Pence is a putz.
The moderator was terrible! They should have, at the least, given her a bullhorn to try and control the exchanges.
Maybe a taser? “Don’t either of you make me use this.”
Here’s the thing, Pence’s measured responses only highlights how totally off the rails his top of the ticket is. If the talking heads determine Pence the winner it potentially further exposes how unprepared and ill equipped Trump is. Since no one votes for the Vice President, winning the debate is less important than is exposing or further undermining the top of the ticket.
Or she’s on meth. Hard to tell…
Love how CNN said Kaine lost the debate because he was aggressive and then panned to their focus group where the Undecided Voters said Kaine won the debate. They pulled the cameras quickly and went back to explain how smoooth Pence was.
Pence threw Trump under the bus and began his 2020 presidential run tonight. It was so obvious. While the white working class guys in PA, MI, and OH had to be impressed by Kaine who came out swinging and never let up on Pence.
That’s the kind of Democratic Party that Bernie has awoken among the young in this country and the media better get used to it.
Just you wait until tomorrow. There will be hell to pay…oh, maybe not what you think! Pence only accepted the VP slot because he wants to run in 2020; he’s not going to be VP in 2016.
HOWEVER…Tonight, Pence stole Trump’s spotlight, and that is the unpardonable sin. (*Several pundits are already saying, "Pence is the candidate the GOP would much rather have leading the ticket…blah, blah, blah.) Trump will want to take his territory back, even from his own VP pick. This is a guy who was upstaging his own hand-picked speakers at his own convention by going on the O’Reilly Factor during their air time and talking crap.
Count on Turnip’ beginning his outlandish verbal or tweeting jihad to try to grab the spotlight back ASAP…and almost certainly in the dumbest and most craptastic’ way possible.
ABC is scoring the debate a draw. It seems Pence won on style and Kaine won on substance. Frankly, both men were successful in reaching their intended audiences. My guess is Kaine won college educated women and Pence energized the evangelical/Trump base. Hillary is ahead, so Kaine won.
Winning on style is not winning over any voters. You have to show a little passion.
Independents saw an energized Democratic candidate tonight going after Trump in the same way they would if they could get a chance. Pence never defended Trump nor fought for their ticket. It was pretty startling how little Pence seemed to care if their ticket wins in November.
Pence doesn’t care one way or another. He’s running for himself in 2020.
If the GOP had a minister of propaganda it would be Mike Pence. Pence has no qualms about distorting the facts, or just flat out blatantly lying. I have seen more than my fair share of dishonest politicians in my six plus decades on this big blue marble, and I must say I cannot remember seeing a politician that can so convincingly and comfortably lie like Mike Pence. The man can lie with a straight face like no one I have ever seen.
And Kaine impressed the traditional Democratic white working class in PA, MI, OH whom Biden usually appeals to and I believe that was his strategy. He nailed it.
Yeah…I was waiting for the “Pence is the guy who should be at the top of the ticket” comments, and it wasn’t a long wait.
The media however, seems to be full on board with promoting a “Pence Won” narrative (and let me just go off on a tangent and say, declaring a candidate overprepared so he lost is about as blatant of grading on a curve as is possible. Its saying that the smart guy is too smart and the dumb guy didn’t wet himself, so give him a break and a participation award), and Trump himself will lock on to just that and ignore everything else. It will catch in his craw that Pence upstaged him, no doubt…but the bigger issue will be ignored.
Which is, and Kaine made it perfectly clear time and time again…Pence refused to defend Trump or Trump’s words. And that’s a glaringly obvious problem going forward. Think back to 2008 when Palin “went rogue” and started doing her own thing, completely at odds with what McCain was trying to do. I believe we will see a similar dynamic at work in the remaining weeks here. Pence will try to create more distance for himself in future appearances, and will probably try the same tactic of ignoring questions about his comments on the latest nonsense Trump espoused.