Discussion: Tim Huelskamp Slams McConnell, Sets Stage For Shutdown Fight

Discussion for article #240519

Ignorance thy name is Huelskamp.


Shut up Timmy. Your stupidity is showing.


Come on Boehner; bring a funding bill to the floor that is acceptable to the majority of Republican and Democratic House members, and squash the pretensions of this hateful man. The rejectionist subcaucus within the House GOP are a small minority of your own party and a smaller minority of the entire House. Show them the legislative power of bi-partisan majority rule!


What is this about selling their baby parts to the highest bidder? Is there some obscure practice he’s referencing that I’ve never heard of? Is he talking about the harvesting of stem cells from embryos, and is PP even involved in that?


What a hateful little man.


Please do


Vile, Racist ?

I thought that was another name for the GOP. How is PP racist ? or vile ?


What a lying piece of crap!


Ol’ Timmy has a word salad of anti-PP messaging going there…

Let’s see - start a government shutdown fight right before an election year. Alrighty then - please proceed, sir!



“I cannot and will not fund a vile, racist organization who specializes in convincing mothers to kill their children and then selling their baby parts to the highest bidder," Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) said in a written statement to TPM Tuesday.
What color is the sky in your sick little world Timmy?


We know what;s wrong with Kansas and Huelskamp is it’s name


Poll: Public wants to avoid shutdown over Planned Parenthood

The poll finds that 71 percent of adults say it is more important for Congress to approve a spending bill to keep the government open, compared to 22 percent who say it is more important to eliminate all federal funds for Planned Parenthood.


hyperbole: language that describes something as better or worse than it really is : extravagant exaggeration

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Does anyone know if Boehner and McConnell can muster up the vestiges of the “moderate” Republicans and vote on a budget with the Democrats? I mean, I doubt they would because it will mean their jobs, but assuming they would do the right thing, and put the country first… COULD THEY?


It is really becoming apparent that the goal of the “SHUT IT DOWN!” caucus is not really about abortion or planned parenthood or budget gaps or DREAMERS or whatever it is this year. They may give lip service to whichever hopeless un-winnable cause is (un)popular this season but their goal is to just grab attention to themselves.

Perhaps they need to adopt some more traditional methods that the true believers have used to focus the world’s attention on lost causes. Maybe they should take a page out the religious zealot (see opus dei) book and try some of self flagellation on the capital steps? Or perhaps they should just douse themselves with gas and light one up? I am sure that such a exercise would be bound to lead the evening news. Or maybe they could all just glue themselves to their chair in the chamber and stage a multi-week hunger strike? Or, if they want a method that has some more immediate gratification… maybe they could all just line up in front of the cameras in the press room and hold their breath till they turn blue?


They’ve done it before, in just such circumstances as these–and over the howls of the Tea Party in the House. In the Senate, it’s basically Cruz (and Mike Lee) against everyone else, thanks to Cruz’s having alienated just about everyone in his caucus.

They’re desperate enough to preserve what chance the GOP has to win the presidency next year that they’d go bipartisan on us.

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As a matter of efficacy, it’s not possible to determine which GOP House Rep is the craziest, or if Gomert is nuttier than the Dees Pignutz state King, or if Huelskamp is worse than any rep in the history of Congress (which he may well be).

All that really matters is that we recognize that real live American voters voted this incompetent brain-fried derp-aholic into office, and his similarly sprain-headed whackos made him leader of their shitforbrains caucus. That’s who I’m upset with: the twerps who voted Huelskamp and the rest of the Freedumb TP caucus into office in the first place. Shame on you, you irresponsible Okie douchenozzles.


“I cannot and will not fund a vile, racist organization who specializes in convincing mothers to kill their children and then selling their baby parts to the highest bidder,"

The man who wants to lead the GOP in the House… in a single sentence he utters 5 vile lies.
The new face of the GOP, just like the old face of the GOP.