Discussion: Tillerson: We Will Respond To Russia's Expulsion Of Diplomats By Sept. 1


Donny just needs to Twitter to the Russians . Quicker .


Wassamatta, Rex? What’s the delay in “response”? Walmart have crying towels and Beggin’ StripsTM on backorder?


So, wait – he needed input from the Russians on how the U.S. should respond to the expulsion of U.S. diplomats by Russia? Yeah, that’ll sure clear up all that fake news about Trump-Russia collusion.


He’s got to work out an oil deal first, then he can do his government job.

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Did Tillerson’s remarks get the green light from Kushner, the Shadow SoS?


Trump: Russia has full right to expel any American at any time. Obama treated them unfairly. If I was Putin, I would attack and destroy the USA.

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Better. They came after he clarified them in a meeting with Lavrov, Kushner’s actual boss.


Did he say which year?


Somehow using those civilians that are stuck in conflict zones, if not active war zones as bargaining chits* is distasteful.

“a short official note, memorandum, or voucher, typically recording a sum owed.” All for the ability to make more money, more deals, and pocket wealth that really belongs to the people of Russia.

Rex: he’s on vacation right now. Do it now. On the morning that you do it, plant a story (doesn’t have to be true, it can be…what’s the word…fake) that talks about rising poll numbers. The more ridiculous the rise, the better.
That way he’ll never know.

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Take your time. Where’s the rush?

Tillerson has lost all interest in leading the State Department now that Congress has taken away his most desired reason for wanting to be in charge of it in the first place. Bummer, Rex. Whatchagonnado now??? Maybe you should start by giving back your fucking medal to Vlad, dipshit…and pledging your allegiance to the United States of America instead of the Corporation of ExxonMobil.


What Tillerson said: “We will respond to Russia’s expulsion of diplomats by Sept. 1.”

What Tillerson meant: “We will respond to Russia’s expulsion of diplomats as soon as we have a clue as to what to do. In the meantime, we’re going to search the presidential archives to learn exactly what President Obama would have done.”

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The Russian expulsion of 755 American diplomats was an attack on Tillerson’s State Department. Tillerson has barely squeaked about the expulsions. He must take orders from Putin directly.

Look at the precious look in Putin’s eyes!


Why is Tillorsen setting a date and timeline for surrendering to his master Putin?

“Take good care of yourself.
– You belong to meeeee!”

Tillerson: We Will Respond To Russia’s Expulsion Of Diplomats By Sept. 1…we’re still working on the year…

Yes, and we should take the same tack with Russia on their collusion to interfere with the election. Let’s sit down and talk with them to clarify their motives in doing so, thereby formulating a more nuanced and appropriate reaction TO THEIR FUCKING ACT OF WAR!!!