Discussion: Tillerson Tells UN 'North Korea Must Earn Its Way Back To The Table'

I don’t think he understands this whole “table” thing.

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He credited China — which accounts for about 90 percent of North Korea’s external trade — with helping on pressuring North Korea, while Russia was not.

I’m sure that was the main topic of conversation when DT called Vlad yesterday. I expect Putin to immediately fall in line.

Iran…North Korea…which dog to wag? Lord help us…

Right, so now North Korea has to do basically everything we want them to do before we can start negotiating with them. In other words, no negotiations and a worsening of relations. This is very bad for the world and especially for South Korea and Japan if war with NK breaks out. They may not be able to reach the US yet but they could destroy Seoul with artillery strikes and possibly hit Japan with nukes. A war with NK also opens up the possibility of war with China, they will not tolerate the unification of the Koreas into one with a western tilt, which would be the likely ultimate result of the war.

Just the other day Tillerson said that the US would talk with North Korea without any preconditions, indeed they could sit down and talk about the shape of the table. Now, he throws up preconditions suggesting that NK has to earn its way back to the table. WTF? The dysfunction in this administration is over the top.


In other words, we are willing to negotiate with N. Korea without preconditions, but only after they meet our conditions.

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Rex the Happy Eunuch, freshly emasculated and ready for (in)action.

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