Discussion: Tillerson Slipped Into The Capitol To Tell House Committee About Trump And Russia

Keep talking, Tillerson, we’re all ears…


It would seem that Tillerson does not feel the need to cover for the Fucking Moron.


So if Tillerson can make this happen, what’s to stop Mueller, McGahn and all the others from doing the same? I don’t buy the idea that Tillerson is no longer employed. This was under the radar and no one would’ve known.

Instead, we’re pussyfooting around on these other two bozos telling us what they know under oath.


It didn’t take long for Tillerson to fall out of Putin’s good graces.

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Absolutely amazing that these guys have to ‘slip’ in to testify. Is Donnie gonna slap a restraining order on them? What kind of a mongrel is sitting in the WH??? OK OK that’s rhetorical but c’mon.


How many banana peels did it take to slip him in?

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Impeachment hearings time.

Call every single political appointee in the WH, Cabinet, LE Agency to testify.

Call everyone in the WH council’s office. Call every interpreter who sat in a meeting with the president and anyone from Russia.

Call everyone.


Did Uncle Valodya tell the transition team, “Put Tillerson on it: he’s a sneaky little shit – just like you.”?

A half-bottle of Astroglide.

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Only don’t call it an impeachment hearing. How about “Select CommitteeHearing” …that way neither dems or GOP are upset. And the public can be taught the ugly under belly of trump. Like during the Watergate days.


That’s gratitude for you.


I think I get your humor… but in all seriousness our civics education in this country is awful. There is much about government that is given the short shrift.

However, “impeachment” is something that is taught and even if the common understanding is not In depth people remember it is a big thing. Historic really.

Select Committee is what Republicans called the Benghazi showboating campaign wasn’t it?

Saying the “I-word” will be neccessary to gain the appropriate level of attention and Express the true gravity of the situation. Until it is said by house leadership it all looks like weak partisanship.


Can you imagine the congealed mass of sweat, sloughed off skin cells, lint and oils under his lap-over that the shower never quite reaches? The are bacteriologists out there dreaming about taking swab samples in the hopes of finding new species of microorganisms.


Allowing Tillerson to be present with his meeting with Putin may have been Trump’s biggest mistake. Hopefullly, the House Committee will get a full account of the meeting from Tillerson. I also have to wonder how many other former officials at all levels have agreed to secretly meet with the various House committees – a lot I hope.


I just vomited a little bit in my mouth… :dizzy_face:


Apparently Tillerson couldn’t help to melt the Arctic seaways fast enough for Russia’s oil transports and Putin’s liking. However, Pompeo has no problem with any of that. In fact, he claims its good for trade. All that talk about pesky climate change is really no big thing since historic massive ice melt for Tillerson’s replacement is really a net positive.


Tillerson is clearly a very wealthy person, while McGann not so much. That would explain, in part, why Tillerson did not decline to speak to the committee. He may have been motivated by patriotism.
Let’s see where things fall.


OK, you just ruined my breakfast…


I can just picture him in that long black coat, with a dark fedora pulled low across his face.