Discussion: Tillerson: 'Obviously It Would Help If N. Korea Would Stop Firing Off Missiles'

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"Mr. Tillerson, I served with Henry Kissinger. I knew Henry Kissinger. Henry Kissinger was a friend of mine. Rex, you’re no Henry Kissinger!"

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The State Department has a large professional staff trained and focused on every threat, situation and region in the world. I’m sure there are Korea specialists who have gamed out every move by Kim Jong Un. Except, perhaps, the effects of really stupid tweets from the president.

But Rex Tillerson, like Trump, trusts his instincts, not experts. In short, we have a very volatile nuclear situation and a pair of amateurs learning (or failing to learn, in Trump’s case) on the job.

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Just offer them the Sudetenland, and then rest of Czechoslovakia, Mr. Chamberlein. That should calm the situation down.

Maybe Tillerson was being facetious, but I would just call this example #552 of “simple words from simple-minded people.”

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It would also help if someone took away this asshole’s boss’ phone, but that ain’t gonna happen either.

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Gee, Rexxon is smarter than I thought.
Not enough to matter, though.
I want him to hang around for 25. I’m sure he feels he hasn’t gotten the respect from the Commander-in-cheat that he deserves.
He and I don’t have to agree on everything.

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“Obviously it would help if North Korea the President would stop firing off missiles his mouth. That would calm things down a lot,” Tillerson said.

FIFY! :wink:

And obviously it would help if Tillerson and his war obsessed boss, the alt-president Trump started doing something constructive toward deescalating the situation with Kim. A nuclear war can ruin your whole day.

Obviously , it*s so obvious .