Discussion: Tillerson: I've Had 'No Conversation' About Mexico Paying For Border Wall

They are also the meanest, greediest, most territorial little bastards I’ve ever seen.

I had a feeder up that was fiercely guarded by an alpha male. Because I’m a jerk, I put up a second feeder about 30 yards away to see if he’d claim both as his own. Sure enough. He worked so hard that I swore he was losing weight from going back and forth and then going to his perch in a nearby tree to rest and watch; I rarely saw him feed. Weird deal: hummingbirds always go back to the exact spot to perch.

O yeah they are. The wars are endless.

Endless. I have seen them land on another bird’s back who was at the feeder and pull the bird off the perch onto the ground and the bird would run around with other bird still on his back. They are vicious with each other.

But we get to watch the Broadtails do their courting aerial displays - so cool.

The Rufous come in in July and that’s when the wars really get hot - those little red hummers are little red devils.

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Just saw the coverage of the march for immigration in Dallas today. Well done, Dallas.


O good. We talked about going but I’ve been having some dental problems and haven’t felt good.

The one in '06 was enormous and that was the year we went blue in the county. I’m so delighted there was a big turnout.

Thanks for that, anti.

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There’s no zing without the stock options.

Trump might need to offer him some CEO-sized incentive bonuses, like maybe he gets the state of Washington if he can get Ivanka’s line of products into a major store in 10 foreign capitals that don’t currently have an Ivanka retailer.

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Vicente Fox is ready to have a conversation with you, Tillerson;


Some World Class trolling right here:


Correct. And I am not being snarky.

Please note the date on these two articles, as its important to understand what is happening along the time line, as well as the actual reporting. NAFTA as well, is part of Kushner’s “portfolio”.

Tillerson is completely out of the picture with regards to Mexico. Even the Mexicans understand this.

You know, we all thought that Trump was publicly humiliating Romney by dangling State in front of him and then bringing him to a public dinner to make him eat crow before refusing to consider him for the job. But its looking more like Romney got off easy. Tillerson’s public humiliation is so much worse, because its being done internationally, and nearly daily.

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And where the hell are my stock options for doing this job? Whaddya mean there’s no stock options? Well, then I’m taking a nap.