Discussion: Tillerson: I've Had 'No Conversation' About Mexico Paying For Border Wall

@cincypix That picture is beyond wonderful!

Indeed. And in “Careful what you wish for” news:


There will never be a wall.

@silas1898 - Yeah that woman has been on the news here. She isn’t the only one down there with that kind of a problem with this stupid wall that will get talked about and never built.

We went through this before with the Bushes. W tried to build a barrier and was stopped.


Hasta la vista, baby. Unapologetic schadenfreude on my part.


“…In short, Congress failed to continue to fund the project past the initial $1.2 billion procured…”

The BS Theater keeps playing the same movie…

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WTF, did they merely have a nap together??

Rex is focused on stealing Iraqi oil.

Also to cause problems with NATO. And to polarize U.S. even more, inflame racism, anything that promotes balkanization. Calexit would be the holy grail. If Putin can pull that off, he might just be able to rule the world.

I don’t see how Putin can accomplish something even the Confederacy couldn’t do -= break up the Republic.

There is no mechanism for an exit by a state. The ability does not exist. This is why Lincoln approached the Confederacy from the standpoint that it didn’t exist because the states were still states - once and forever.

He considered the civil war a rebellion by individuals inside the Confederate states.

I think it just ran out of money partway. The wall (more of a fence in most places) exists. It’s not fiction. It just doesn’t extend all the way. Don’t get me wrong, that’s not how I want to see the U.S. spend money and the ICE’s aggressive deportations are beyond the pale as far as I’m concerned but we’ve benefited here in SoCal from having a barrier across the drug routes. It would be hypocritical of me to pretend otherwise when I can now visit places that used to be terrifyingly dangerous.

No, there was too much pushback on that attempt by landowners and people concerned about wildlife in the Big Bend. I remember it.

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The ability does not exist

I don’t see that as a hindrance. The ability could be created by amending the Constitution, by treaty, and so on. I live in California and for me the Calexit threat is by far the most frightening thing about the Trump/Putin administration.

Add: It’s scary for me to contemplate it becoming even just a state-level resolution. Just the excuse red-state-backed Trump/Pence needs to impose federal marshall law in California.

I believe there were also the same questions as now – how to deal with the Rio Grande. It’s still there.

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That’s huge actually.

The border is in the middle of the fucking river as everybody knows.

It’s insane.

There’s also a huge bird sanctuary down south. It’s partly along the coast and I’m not sure it would be affected but that stopped the Bushes from something they were trying to do down there some years back - there was a very loud outcry over the sanctuary.


“We had no conversation about that issue,” Tillerson replied, referring to his meeting last week with Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray.

Here’s a partial transcript from that meeting which accurately captures the gist of their conversation:

Videgaray: Pendejo says what?
Tillerson: What?
Videgaray: Pendejo says what?
Tillerson: What?
Videgaray: Pendejo says what?
Tillerson: What?
Videgaray: Pendejo says what?
Tillerson: What?

Alert readers will note that this was not unlike the marathon conversation Jared Kushner had in early February with (in order) Mexican President Peña Nieto, Peña Nieto’s executive secretary, Peña Nieto’s executive secretary’s intern, Peña Nieto’s executive secretary’s intern’s 13-year-old brother and, ultimately, with Peña Nieto’s executive secretary’s intern’s 13-year-old brother’s best friend Manuel, who became bored and abruptly hung up on the U.S. Secretary of Everything to watch fútbol on TV with his compañeros.

An assistant Mar-a-Lago groundskeeper-spokesman later confirmed, through an interpreter, that the two nations were still in the process of negotiations and exchanging candid ideas on the matter. When asked about the likelihood of success, he responded, excitedly, “¡Mira! ¡Mira! Aquí está el último mensaje de los mexicanos.”


Now there’s a bizarre story.


Electricity generated by burning oil and gas, makes perfect sense.

For exxon.

Yep. Another balkanization effort. It’s easy to fool people who are angry into acting against their own interests. The anger is not misplaced. We’re basically screwed bigtime by the Senate and electoral college structures. But Californians are rushing into fantasyland, fooling themselves into thinking nothing will change about California after Calexit…except that we’ll become self-governing. So myopic, so incredibly foolhardy!

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Hummingbirds! One day I’m going there. Until then …

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You know, I have hummingbirds all summer in Taos = several different species. Had them up in Colorado, too. And not just two or three - sometimes in Colorado there were hundreds - I had 4 feeders. It wore me out so I only put out one feeder in New Mexico.

They are wonderful - they never get boring.

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