“The U.S. government is quietly losing its next generation of foreign policy leaders.”
That’s the plan.
I guess it’s hard to explain why do you believe that Trump is not a moron. Everyone that tried to explain that to me ended up looking like an moron himself.
Its not a minority view.
Can’t imagine how they think this would be “great” for the country (no diplomacy). Not just Trump - they are all morons. He is just the Dotard, Moron in Chief.
He doesn’t sound ready to give up on the Axis of Exxon quite yet …
Rex took a knee…for the incompetent, impotent, fraud in the WH…
Tillerson does not have the raging need for ego boasting of most politicians and narcissistic egoists…but this surprises!
I wonder if there is anything the Orange Loser could demand from an appointee so monumentally humiliating that the appointee would refuse.
Literally kiss trump’s naked ass on live TV? Beat his own wife and children ditto? Clean trump’s golden toilet with his tongue?
Seriously, anybody think Rick Perry would refuse to perform any of that?
Well folks I think we know who the next one to be voted off the island will be.
Crap, I already used up my “Low energy. Sad!” ration for the day.
Didn’t he know trump before he became sos? I just wondering didn’t he already know he was a moron
What I don’t get it is: Why is Tillerson even bothering? He has tons of money and an accomplished career. He won’t deny his boss is a moron, that would not let him work.
My advice is: Rex, take your money and move to Switzerland or Costa Rica, if you feel like you need to be engaged join a NRO. Let back-stabbing weasel Nimrata take a stab at running the Department of State while keeping arm distance from the pussy -grabber in chief.
And now that Tillerson has humiliated himself on live television, it’s time to dispatch Kushner to fire him.
And pussy-grabber as well.
You are committed to the success of this president might be a subtle way of saying that he really is a moron and you think you can keep him from nuking NK. I’m not sure you are up to the task, Rexxon.
I’m confused. I thought it was Trump’s former caddy who was in charge of firing people?
“diplomacy” is just another word for compromise to these people. And the world needs to do what they’re told. Compromise is forbidden. It doesn’t take a diplomat to bark orders. And like Trump says, what’s the sense in having nuclear weapons if you’re not going to use them?
Maximum humiliation: fire the worst diplomat-in-chief via a man-child who knows even less than him about international affairs/is in the job for even sleazier grifts.
Besides, Scavino is busy tweeting from the wrong account and hiding from Kelly.
Oh good god. You are right - but these people are just so dim and dangerous - a deadly combination.
I get the feeling that Tillerson, Mattis, and others see themselves as the saviors of our country, a ring of relative sanity around a dangerous, unhinged, ahem, moron that will protect us from the worst of his capricious, uninformed blunders. There may be some truth to that (we’ll see, I guess), but I still think history will not be kind to them.