Discussion: Three Rural Illinois Men Charged With Minnesota Mosque Bombing Last Year

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One of the men, Michael B. Hari, 47, described in an April 2017 Chicago Tribune article how he drafted a $10 billion plan to build a wall along the border with Mexico, citing President Donald Trump’s call for such a wall. Hari drew up the proposal after launching a security company, Crisis Resolution Security Services, the newspaper said.

Seems like the perfect Trump nominee for national security…

The Islamic Center primarily serves Somalis in the Minneapolis area and houses a mosque and religious school for children. Minnesota is home to the largest Somali community outside of east Africa, with an estimated 57,000 people, according to the most recent census estimates.

When I lived in Minneapolis I felt bad for the Somali population. They were always easy to pick out in July, they’re the one’s wearing wool sweaters when it’s 80 degrees F. Not to mention the other issues adjusting to living in a foreign country, and their children being recruited for the war in Syria.

Hari also filed a federal lawsuit just last month in central Illinois, naming the U.S. secretaries of agriculture and health and human services as defendants. It accuses their departments of violating his constitutional rights by doing the food-safety certification work that his firm, Equicert, does.

“The People of the United States have rejected the Marxist doctrine that the government shall own the means of production,” he wrote, according to the court document. He requested a court order barring federal officials from interfering with his business.

Oh man, this guy is going to try to represent himself.


Maybe one of the Bundys will represent him?


I can hear it now: “Yes we did this to try to scare the Muslims into leaving the country. Yes, the idea was to create terror. No, judge, it wasn’t terrorism, it was Trumpism.”

Ya. That will work.


Muslim’s overwhelmingly came to the US by air. How f’ing tall was his wall going to be?


It wasn’t clear from the complaint why the men may have targeted a mosque so far from Illinois.

Minneapolis has a large and cohesive east African population (the largest in the region, I think (1)(2)). I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a specific racial animus here, as well as the obvious religious hatred.


“An affidavit says the men broke a window to the imam’s office and threw a pipe bomb containing black powder into the mosque. The pipe bomb exploded, causing a fire that was extinguished by sprinklers.”

"A good way to threaten somebody is to light a stick of dynamite. Then you call the guy, and hold the burning fuse up to the phone. ‘Hear that?’ you say. ‘That’s dynamite, baby!’ " – Jack Handy


It wasn’t clear from the complaint why the men may have targeted a mosque so far from Illinois.

You hit the nail on the head. These thugs probably thought that they’d get double Gold Stars on their hoods for their victims being both Muslim and Black. This really is how ignorant racist Trump-supporting thugs think.


What happens in Minneapolis stays in Minneapolis?

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I question the necessity or utility of the deliberate use of the adjective “rural” in the headline and story. Would “urban” have been used were they big city dwellers?

I can just see the tweet tomorrow morning. “The DOJ is out of control. Session charged three good white men with bombing a Muslim Mosque. Instead of charges they deserve a Medal of Freedom for MAGA.”

No, the word “Chicago” (e.g.) would have been used. The purpose of the headline is to inform, and nobody knows where the hell Clarence, IL is.

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‘Crisis Resolution Security Services’? I believe that’s a wholly owned subsidiary of Sobchak Security.

“Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton called the bombing an act of terrorism when he and other officials visited the mosque the day after the explosion.”

yeah, but were they CHARGED with terrorism or were they given the white guy pass? The article doesn’t state what the actual charges are. Sigh…

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Not that tall, they’re going to put antiaircraft guns along the whole thing!

“The West Wasn’t Won With A Registered Bofors 40mm Gun!”

The answer to the question, “Why Minnesota?”, is pretty simple: Keith Ellison. His national prominence probably inspired them to head north to possibly damage his mosque and/or harm Keith himself. At the very least they would “make a statement” directed at him.

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I know of two free health clinics in Alabama offered by Muslim doctors. There are more. I wish these places got more press.


So this guy is no randomly riled up Rust Belt dweller. He’s organized and dangerous, offering large sums of money to two young accomplices. He’s motivated to maim or kill or scare the Somali community–the very definition of terrorism–by his AmeriNazi ideology: intolerance against Muslims/Blacks/immigrants; against women; and, obsessed with making money, antagonistic in general toward “the government” and government programs that benefit us all.

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Christian extremist?