Discussion: Though A Schultz Run Would Likely Help Him, Trump Bashes The Former CEO Anyway

“Besides, America already has that!”

So it is going to be one of those weeks.


Howard Schultz doesn’t have the “guts” to run for President! Watched him on @60Minutes last night and I agree with him that he is not the “smartest person.” Besides, America already has that! I only hope that Starbucks is still paying me their rent in Trump Tower!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 28, 2019


This, from a President would didn’t have the guts to stand up to Ann Coulter or Nancy Pelosi.


What a pathetic excuse for a human being.


He’s got guts. Or should I say a huge gut that’s getting bigger by the week?


The chattering classes have been quick to embrace this article’s headline’s assumption, which has undergone little evaluation beyond the initial impressions of certain career campaign experts.


Trump is trying to goad Schultz into running. Remember Trump constantly projects; he is using the exact argument that Trump himself would fall for.

Hopefully Schultz is not a Kremlin-compromised psychopathic narcissist and will choose not to run.


“Besides, America already has that!”

Or Nancy, as I call her.


Especially since Schultz is already distancing himself from Dem social goals.


He feels threatened by a truly successful businessman, as he should, since they have been beating him all his life.

As he probably should, Hillary may have lost a small percentage to Bernie because he was more liberal. I don’t think a guy like Schultz would do that to a democrat.

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Maybe Schultz could be considered as a VP, or a coffee boy, but not taken any more seriously than the other billionaire, Bloomberg. We could use their money though…just sayin

This isn’t Trump “bashing” Schultz for the sake of bashing him; he’s trying to shame him into making a kamikaze dive at the presidency.


I think the reaction that this will help Trump comes from the simple idea (and historical fact) that 3rd Party candidates take votes from the anti-incumbent voter pool. Trump may well be unique in that there will be far more conservatives that just can’t pull the lever for him again than moderates or independents who just can’t pull the lever for candidate X. Since we don’t know who candidate X is yet, it’s hard to know - so go-to the default position.

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He didn’t just bash him; he also threatened an existing Starbucks tenant with retribution for Schultz even considering running.


I hate to disagree with your thesis, but I think that Trump was actually trying to goad Schultz into running. Trump thinks that the way he sees the world is the way that everyone sees the world. In his mind, if someone calls into question his manliness, he will go out of his way to prove that person wrong.

I don’t know much about Schultz, but it seems pretty clear that he is ALSO a narcissist (like Trump) who honestly thinks that his own desires to “save us” outweigh the risk of splitting the vote and allowing Trump to remain in office for a second term. I think Trump understands that Schulz is a narcissist and sees him as a kindred spirit. By saying that Schultz doesn’t have “the guts” to run, he is trying to get him to do just that.


Much snickering ensues on my part.


that’s a real zinger there on the end of that tweet. I’m filled with admiration for his presidential mein and gravitas.


Bloomberg dropped out IIRC. He knows he doesn’t stand a prayer in a Democratic primary (except perhaps for NY) and the best he could accomplish as an independent is to get Trump re-elected. (Tom Steyer, who really is a Democrat, also dropped out, as did Michael Avenatti, although the latter was only going to spoil his own career and figured that out.)

And what’s striking about Schultz is all the third-way, no-labels crap spewing out of him. I’d propose nefarious pro-business intervention conspiracies, but frankly I think the guy just has a huge ego.

Oh yes. This is the guy who, after the local cops beat up some of his African-American customers, decided to have his employees to have discussions about race with their customers. And let’s not forget his labor practices. Remember that most CEOs, irrespective of levels of greed or political ideology or corruption, are not very bright. If they were, they’d never have been able to get ahead of all the competition for the job.

gee, what a win for trump on that guy.
Now try Nancy you coward in chief.
How many people left on the “pat trump on the back line”?
a few.