Wish it was only one star being sucked into the event horizon but it’s half of Amerca, or perhaps it was fortyeight percent.
I think you are wrong focusing on the electioneering where the political science can only peel off a percent to win any election. Sure denying the vote does matter and I’m sure it’s more then say the illegal votes the Right keeps playing boogeyman with.
I believe it is voter ignorance that needs our attention. I’m a high school dropout, blue collar, dirt under my nails kind of guy surrounded by the ignorant, my brothers and sisters with no savings or retirement, no insurance, empty bank account, living on the fringe while being the largest subset of voters who could make change real. If only they knew how to use that power rather then being used to keep their masters in power.
No gerrymandering up here in alaska, just the misinformed. Voter suppression? A couple big churches politicking from the pulpit but that’s it. Perhaps I’m too close to see it.
I’ve had countless ideas bubble up out of my brain and dissaper, I never could keep an idea in focus long enough to do it justice in words. Still we have to try, to keep trying, fighting with truth, battle the lying.
It’s education Josh, where we need to focus, before we all get sucked into infinity.
M. Paul