Discussion: This Was Probably Not The Reaction Bill De Blasio Was Hoping For

There’s lot of appeal in being able to say for the rest of their lives “former presidential candidate.” It’ll open doors to boardrooms, publishing companies and cable talk shows.

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Another NYer here, with his little bit of insight. For me, his performance is a demonstrably mixed bag of results, and I would put the balance on the positive side. We keep hearing about his gym schedule ad nauseam until it’s just cooked into the psyche. That, coupled with his astronomically high absence-from-city-hall days we keep hearing about tend to generate a fairly negative image of the man.

The GOP’s assault on democracy is responsible for the streets not getting plowed and the subway being a mess? Can you explain?

If they are able to raise money for the presidential primary and are frugal with their spending, it allows them a way to tap their biggest donors for additional funds they couldn’t receive otherwise, that they can then roll into another, more realistic campaign.

I have seen him often at my gym, as recently as last week, and I knew he was going to run awhile ago when I realized he was working out harder and had lost weight. The Vanity Index. I never knock him for going to the gym- it’s familiar, he’s left alone and so what - but I do dislike the idea that he’s bored and wants to take field trips. He should resign and let us elect a mayor who does his (her) d*mn job.

Well…probably correct that three-quarters have no chance, but I stick by only half with the self-awareness to know it.

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Yes. It’s his fault. He’s been in office since 2014. The first winter, he diverted plows that would have been serving Queens over to his home borough of Brooklyn. That priority’s remained. NYPD patrols in Queens are down, too, especially in the Rockaways. The subways have been suffering since he got into office as well. He’s ignored the issues that have been building up there, and not pushed Albany in any way to keep the MTA fully funded and competitive. And yes, that all falls on the Mayor of New York, even if it probably shouldn’t (The Metropolitan Transit Authority is actually an independent bureaucracy, but the Mayor’s got a lot more weight to throw around than the MTA President).

At the same time, he’s been utter crap on many of his promises. He promised to improve bike access in the city. It’s gotten worse. He’s accelerated gentrification while claiming to support affordable housing. He put Bill “Stop and Frisk” Bratton back in charge of the NYPD, then publicly leaned on the cops to let his friends off when they got caught breaking the law. If the alternatives last time around weren’t worse, he’d have been out then.

But hey, thanks for slamming hard working folks like AOC and Jerry Nadler because you don’t like Trump. :thumbsup: