Discussion: This Paul Ryan Video Sure Looks A Lot Like A 2016 Campaign Ad


This ad is very revealing, but not in the way Ryan intended. The only person of color I saw in the entire ad was the guy standing by the door in the very beginning. Nobody in the audience. Speaks volumes. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

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See what I wrote below in response to @brooklyndweller.

Odds are still that Trump will have the delegates for the first vote. But those odds are slipping after Wisconsin and with all the finagling going on in the delegate selection processes which continue through April and May (not the elections, but the selection of WHO will be the delegates)

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I agree with you but, then again, I’m looking at the situation as I would analyze it. And that is, he’s never had a private sector job (save for the Weinermobile thing) so his resume is kinda sparse. If he’s looking towards K Street, I would think that companies would want a lobbyist who, you know, politicians actually listen to and have some respect for. Just seems like throwing good money after bad for a company to put money on a two time loser that no one really wants to deal with.

And dems will be putting up ads saying, “The gop elites stole this nomination from YOU, warriors for trump!!!” It will be like the backseat of a station wagon on a family vacation, circa 1969, and my brother is bored, and my sister is easily infuriated.


Paul rAYNd —-'The Coy Gigolo

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That’s beautiful. We have an arboretum and botanical gardens in GR, called Fredrick Meijer Gardens. Its a great place to go, contemplate, and experience beauty in nature, music and art…except it costs a lot for someone like me to be able to go often…but its still such a treat.

On another note, I just saw this ad played out in its entirety and while viewing it I hear Ryan talking about bringing people together and unfortunately, he’s only talking to white people!

I did not see anyone of color in the audience …so in reality, he can’t bring all of Americans together…

Somehow, the republiCANTs insist on bringing only white people together and all other people don’t matter!

Perhaps another ass-beating in the voting polls will have to persuade them that people of color mean business. Stop talking that smack or you will be left in the dust!

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Cruz and Trump will not become shrinking violets, that is certain. But if they truly think they can put Ryan in, how in the world will they explain going around Kasich? “The smoke-filled room” metaphor is sure to haunt them.

Speaking of Kasich, he is seemed a little unhinged lately to me…anyone else notice that? I mean I know he is a misogynist pri*k, but he has kept that under wraps, and the MSM leaves him alone because he isn’t openly obnoxious.


The tell came a few weeks ago when Ryan said he regretted his “makers v. takers” comments. Of course he wants to be the GOP’s White Knight. He’s being very crafty about it. Ryan is either very smart, or has some very smart advisors. He would still make an awful President, and there’s no way he can tame the Tea Party base. But the GOP can’t afford to think that far ahead. Right now, it all Cleveland all the time.

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Ha ha. Paul Ryan, who was too afraid to run for the Presidency thinks he’s going to be ordained the winner because a bunch of media half-wits think of him as the only intelligent Republican in congress. It will be fun in a few months when Trump wins the nomination on the first vote and the utterly untalented and dimwitted Ryan has a major sad.

I’m gonna give this strategy a try. I don’t want $10 million. I don’t want a house on the Gulf Coast. I don’t want a tricked out Tesla. I don’t want a personal chef. I don’t want an on-call massage therapist. Lemme see… What else don’t I want?..

We have the Huntington Gardens in Pasadena, California which are quite beautiful too


“What really bothers me the most about politics these days is this notion of identity politics: that we’re going to win an election by dividing people, rather than inspiring people,” Ryan says in a speech delivered to an audience of House interns.

Yes, Paul, what despicable party would engage in dividing people in order to win elections? Why would anyone belong to such a party, Paul? I’m glad you’re switching to the Democratic party.



yep and it’s exactly what I expected.

Yep that sounds about right!

Are you saying that a Ryan campaign would be in danger of being trod upon?

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Someone please photoshop a unicorn horn onto Ryan in that photo.

Let’s quit dividing people, let’s have a battle instead, what a fucking moron!

No he’s saying Ryan wears shoes with long curly toes.

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