Discussion: This Is Why A Top Dem Senator Thinks Flynn Is Cooperating With The Feds


All this time I thought the rank of General was special. This guy makes me think not so much.


It hit me!

Flynn is just like the antiheroes in the 1960’s farce, The Producers!

Plan was a sting on a bunch of naive investors! The only way it could backfire was if the farcical scheme somehow worked, which nobody planned for!


Where are my musical numbers, where is “Springtime for Hitler?”


What’s weird here is that if Trump had lost to HRC, a lot of this would not even be investigated. Put another way, a business-to-Ruskie ambassador relationship is fine. Unless Trump or his associates engaged in say Ruskie money laundering, all was fine.

Now, separately, any cash the Ruskies gave, bot deception and other efforts to influence the election would be grounds for grand jury review, indictments and the like. Trump may eventually rue the day he not only ran but accepted Ruskie help with the election.


Excellent article. Thanks.


So if he’s willing to talk and has a scoop on folks above him, and they are willing to at least drop execution, what is taking so long?

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Bannon knows it by heart


Maybe Flynn does help various people get charged with crimes. Yet nothing he does can really harm Trump. No matter what he alleges Trump ordered or instructed him to do Trump will look everyone in the eye and blatantly lie about it. Regardless contemporaneous notes, witnesses or recordings he’ll deny it. His base will believe his denials. The Justice Department won’t indict him for any crimes, despite any overwhelming evidence a conviction is a foregone conclusion, as it seems everyone is on board with a sitting President being exempt from criminal charges. The House won’t impeach. If they did the Senate wouldn’t convict. Trump is immune to harm, safe, free to lie and deny whatever Flynn, Mueller or anyone else reveals or proves.

Maybe several people suffer criminal sanctions for all this. But Trump walks.


I think in this production it is “Fall Time for Donnie” sung to the theme from Goodfellows and choreographed for dancing witnesses with lots of turns included.

The amazing thing, like with the banking crash, there has NOT been one single arrest in any of this Russian mess even with all the documents, tapes, witnesses, and the money trail.

Like giant banks and their crooked executives and rigged Wall Street, Trump and his gang of crooked millionaires and billionaires, they’ll get off scott-free!

The best criminal justice system money DOES buy.


All that matters now is 2018. And in 2018 all that matters is turnout, turnout, turnout.

Speaking of elections, Handel might have won honestly anyway, but that margin tells me Georgia officials refused to acknowledge the hackability of their system for a very good reason.


The day after Trump fired him, Flynn tweeted one word, “Scapegoat.” I took that to mean that they are all in on it. So, yes, I think he’s cooperating. I’d sure hate to see him get off without prison time. I can remember his nasty hateful little face at the podium during Trump’s campaign events, leading the crowds in chanting, “lock her up,” based on “unfounded allegations, outrageous claims of treason, and vicious innuendo." And now his attorney is whining about Flynn getting some of his own medicine.

Kelner has previously denounced what he called “unfounded allegations, outrageous claims of treason, and vicious innuendo” against Flynn.

No, I would hate to see him get out of jail free and I’d like to see him busted down to a PFC, too. He smells like a traitor to me.


The Bobbitt post on Lawfare is well worth reading. He convinced me! I wouldn’t expect arrests at this stage of the investigation. I think it was Sen King or maybe Whitehouse who said the Senate investigation is only 20% complete. And Mueller has just begun.


I’d say it’s cause and effect. If they had done even a few prosecutions of the worst of the worst in the Swiss bank account amnesty a few years ago, there would be a couple of dozen plutos in each state finishing up their jail terms at the last election—a very different environment.

The House could be in play (my prediction: largely unchanged), but the Senate will remain firmly in GOP control.

Americans are mostly bigoted, racist, suspicious, xenophobic, misogynistic, homophobic, fearful of change and easily played so long as you’re appealing to the most execrable aspects of their personalities and emotions. Republicans do it well and are unapologetic about it. Hence we saw ads claiming Ossoff was responsible for the ball field shooting last week. You can bet Handel’s voters believed that ad. Trump claims Obama got Otto Warmbier killed. Millions nod in agreement. Allege the worst and you can bet on gerrymandered Americans keeping the GOP in office. Trump’s SCOTUS will protect the entire racket for him if pushed to rule on aspects of the scam. The GOP has a sweet deal. 65 million blithering, drooling fools dependably flocking to the polls every two or four years and a court system to support it all. And if you don’t like it? Well, we can find a cop to shoot you in cold blood. That’s legal now, so watch yourself if you know what’s good for you.


I think you forget how this all works:


Bush Pardons 6 in Iran Affair, Aborting a Weinberger Trial; Prosecutor Assails ‘Cover-Up’

Six years after the arms-for-hostages scandal began to cast a shadow that would darken two Administrations, President Bush today granted full pardons to six former officials in Ronald Reagan’s Administration, including former Defense Secretary Caspar W. Weinberger.

Mr. Weinberger was scheduled to stand trial on Jan. 5 on charges that he lied to Congress about his knowledge of the arms sales to Iran and efforts by other countries to help underwrite the Nicaraguan rebels, a case that was expected to focus on Mr. Weinberger’s private notes that contain references to Mr. Bush’s endorsement of the secret shipments to Iran.




It’s way too early to expect arrests in this investigation. This is more on a RICO-level, where they’ll make sure they have absolutely everything before bringing charges and letting people know who they think they have.


I guess the Marshal of the Supreme Court was a bit early going to the White House to hand deliver notice of impeachment then.