Discussion for article #232768
i"M reTWootING on my TWoOTERIng accOUNT. cAn sombody TEll mE WHERE i puT my INTERnets???
Hey, have we paid for our Iraqi Expedition yet?
I must be outta the loop, I’ve never heard of fleeking.
…and seriously, the GOP is twisting in the wind here.
Nothing says being down with the kids like Reinhold Richard “Reince” Priebus, Mike Huckabee and their ilk.
I thought the whole joke about that expression is that people were using it although nobody actually knows what it means. Whenever I hear someone say “eyebrows on fleek,” it’s a joke, and it tends to mean “incredulous.”
Right, because eyebrow waxings and food stamps or SSDI are the same thing.
Iraq was paid for in spray tans. 135 billion of them if I remember correctly.
If anyone needs a good eyebrow waxing it’s crusty old white Republicans, but then Democrats would be bitching and moaning about the loss of animal habitat. So best we just drop the subject.
I’m so unaware of the meme and what it possibly means that I must be 30 years too old for it.
You forgot to yell, “Get off my lawn!”, but so did I
As usual, the GOP is framing this the wrong way. They should trumpet how many Republican lawmakers you could buy with Obama’s budget.
I learned a long time ago that by the time I know the words to any song that my kids think is great, it is no longer popular. If I play it or (shudder!) sing it out loud, then I’m a dork. If I do it around their friends, I am beyond redemption. How dumb are these people? (No need to answer that one. Purely rhetorical.)
We’re very unhip chez blue. Better half asked me yesterday who Katie Perry was (performed at Super Bowl half time but you all knew that) and for a detailed answer I had to Google. So, in using bae and fleeking the R’s are not aiming for our demographic and they’re also overshooting the millennials who don’t like Rs.
No faster way to kill a slang expression that to have the party of old white clueless men try to embrace it. It’s like that time your parents tried to use bae.
GOP - getting their fleek on.
There are Vine “stars” now?
Get off my lawn! #onfleek
A survey of the under-25s in my household led to the revelation that neither of them had ever heard “on fleek” before and that the whole thing is just too embarrassing for words, so cut it out already, Republicans!
Gag me with a spoon yo!