OMG, the “Catheter Cowboy” ads might be working!
Oh dear god help us.
The Donald is now channelling Melania’s convention speech…
Legally Dumb and dumber…
So. Damn. Pathetic.
You know, I sometimes wonder what lessons Alberta Ted takes from Green Eggs and Ham, and Horton Hears a Who and the like. Ted Geisel was a genius – something that cannot be said of the junior Senator from Texas.
Heard a virulent pro-trumper on NPR this morning … followed by some guy from Newsmax
Nice to know things haven’t changed over at the Righteous and Exalted Temple of High Broderism.
The spawn have been noticeably absent and quiet. Are we sure they haven’t fled the country?
Fortunately, Shakespeare did not write, Vanity, thy name is woman in Hamlet. (The line is really, “Frailty, thy name is woman.”) Consequently, Hamlet does not have to be edited to replace Gertrude with The Orange Menace.
yada yada yada. the President is as NUTS. as a 2 year old toddler. who wants to jump into the swimming pool
“Hah, no, everyone knows I’m a Rogue Scholar. - DJT”
“Real News Tonight” meets Nation Security briefings.
So it has come down to this. Just sit him in front of the TV with School House Rock.
trump trump trump trump trump trump gofuckyourself trump trump trump trump trump trump
And Ryan said this morning that he has “full confidence” in Trump. I hope he and his ilk keep making this particular bed because they all need to pay the consequences of their unthinking loyalty to this disgusting excuse for a human being.
“We’ve got trump and russia, trump trump treason and trump, trump trump trump russia and trump…”
Boil it down to stick figure sketches of Putin screwing Trump in the butt, in every position possible.
“The President wasn’t even aware where this information came from,” McMaster said. “He wasn’t briefed on the source or method of the information either.”
Again the defense is aimed at defending what isn’t alledged. His divulging “the fact” was the problem in and of itself. Particularly because the source was burned because it could be deduced from stating “the facts” to people versed in spy craft.
This is why such things are code-word classified, compartmentalized and on a need to know basis.
That Trump doesn’t get this is a huge problem. That the NSC Advisor, who has to know this, is bullshitting the American people in order to desperately try and put the shit back in the goose is unconscionable. McMasters has destroyed his reputation and career.
The wraithing toll rises.
Even Mike Allen at Axios is not sure the Occupant can recover: “Republicans close to the White House fear that yesterday’s revelations could take President Trump into a legal or constitutional realm where his staff and supporters can’t save him.”
And Drudge says if the Comey facts are true it could be obstruction of justice.
Thank you for tuning in .
And this concludes this mornings WTF moment
Stay tuned for more including a few Holy Shit! and Christ on a Buttered Bagel! moments