Captain Underpants has graduated to President Unawares.
I know that this is hardly news, but still this gives me the willies. Really brings home the danger of having such a totally unqualified, disabled individual with a finger on the button. Yikes.
“Me, Me, Me, Me, ME!”
This would work for me, too. Also, “steak burrito for lunch today” would keep me reading, for sure.
And unfortunately he foreclosed one of the best visual aids when he said
“No puppets! No puppets!”
Ivanka is waiting until he isn’t “cranky” to try to get this changed
Edit: Or to get Trump changed.
The child needs lots of pictures in his briefings.
According to a report published Wednesday by Reuters, Trump is more likely to read national security briefing materials if his name is mentioned in as many paragraphs as possible.
What a farce this man is. He’s a caricature of himself at this point.
Since he likes lots of visual aids, and he likes to see his name, each briefing should start with a graph of his approval ratings.
It’s a great new book series, presented by the CIA, NSA, and FBI: "Presidenting for Dummies."
Available at the Moscow Barnes & Noble,
In other words we have a dumb fuck President who makes GW Bush look like a Rhodes Scholar.
President of the United Trumpinstan.
Maybe that would help.
And pictures…
Don’t worry Donny
They’ve got your back
Trump is probably the only person in the universe not exhausted by reading his name so often in so much print.
This comes as no surprise, but to sit here and read it along with everything else the past 4 months … fuck this fuckity fucking fucked-up fuckhead. He really needs to go. Now. Before real disasters strike.
“This is how we get the POTUS to pay attention!” And by the way, he has the mental capacity of a five-year old, in case anyone was still wondering.
Amash mentions ‘impeachment’…but says everyone gets fair trial… In SonsOfMitches Senate? yeah…right.
Trump is cementing his place as the most incompetent president in American History…
Somewhere, the ghosts of Pierce and Buchanan are sleeping peacefully…
Like 1000 times
Before the rise of cheap, at home digital age, there were companies who would produce personalized children’s books that inserted the child’s name as the hero/heroine in the storyline. The name would appear on every page and the story would be slightly tailored to fit the child’s likes and interests. This transfixed little children who would ask to read the same book over and over (not that that’s a feature limited to personalized books).
It scares the shit outta me that this so-called “president” requires the same manipulation in order to read intelligence briefings! WTF???
There’s just no bottom to this barrel, is there?