Discussion: This Firebrand Ex-Congressman Blames The 'Deep State' For His Fraud Indictment

She does a mean backcomb too.


I guess with his short stubby fingers on the bible he was helping blaze a path for the Donald.

Deep State my ass.


Whenever I see someone splash “Freedom” on something, I know it’s about as meaningful as a flag lapel pin or a picture of Washington and Lincoln being used to sell mattresses during a President’s Day sale.


Like when you see “luxury” in the name of an apartment.


first of all. stop calling this moron a Firebrand…all he is, is a loud, and corrupt moron…period…


hehehe…good one, I am gonna use it…liberally…

Awwwww ! All those poor freedom lovin’ GOP patriots are comin’ up agin’ that ole’ deep state !! Yeah that’s it … and who knew Tinkerbelle and the tooth fairy were Democrats !!! Yeah and you know … the Constitution ! … the Constitution !

To paraphrase “W” …that’s some crazy shit !!

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Hey Stockboy-make that your opening argument in court. At your sentencing, following your conviction, be sure to remind the court of it again.


Let’s hear it for the Deep State!

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$11,000 to cover a 30-day alcoholism treatment program for a “female associate,”

I can’t be the only one who raised an eyebrow at the above? That just sounds especially suspect.


[quote=“pluckyinky, post:30, topic:53813”]
$11,000 to cover a 30-day alcoholism treatment program for a “female associate,”
[/quote]Perhaps he’s just a humanitarian?


They’re coming to take Steve away, ha-ha, They’re coming to take him away ho-ho, to the happy farm with trees and flowers and chirping birds and they’re coming to take him away ha-ha!

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@eggrollian–Yes. And over on the Breitbart comment pages, the Deep State is all the rage. Oh, and they hate Obama, too.


@sanni–Anytime I see “Freedom,” “Patriot,” etc. in the name of something, I just KNOW it is going to be some bat shit entity–A bat shit bill, a bat shit foundation, etc. This is just one consequence of the conservative co-opting of the language over the past 30 years.


Frank Luntz deserves to be horsewhipped by a roving gang of retired English teachers.


I’m not thinking all of today’s “Deep State” rallying cries have any literal meaning. I think it is one of the many misinformation meatballs the right wing media bubble has been throwing at the wall and seems to be sticking as a way to keep Trump and Republicans playing their victimized heroes without having to dream up any new enemies since the Clintons and the scary black muslim have been such effective demons.

They are weaving a protective narrative net around the entire damn Republican party, likely in preparation for many of them including the Great Pumpkin Kink to start tumbling off the cliffs.


He looks like he could be a brother of Marcus Bachmann. Not that there’s anything wrong with it…



In all fairness to Steve Stockman, what he’s claiming is honestly true. If was not for the investigative abilities of the deep state, he would not have been caught. Hence, we have his collaborator in crime, Steve Bannon, who has pledged to dismantle the deep state to greatly reduce the probabilities that their crimes will garner anyone’s attention.

I suggest we all “stand our ground” with regard to protecting the US Constitution. Preemptive measures might be necessary.

Honestly, Judge! He was in a position of power to take away my rights and freedoms, right here in my own country, and he has a well known history of making threats and promises to do just that! What was i supposed to do? I feared for my personal freedoms!


He looks like he could be a lover of Marcus Bachmann. Not that there’s anything wrong with it…