Discussion: This Classic GOP Obamacare Meme Has Officially Imploded

Discussion for article #227954

You call it a meme. I call it a f&*king lie. I guess that explains why I’m not a journalist.


Republicans. They don’t care if the glass is half empty or half full. They only care if the glass is African American or not.


Just another indication that they will regret calling it Obamacare. Within the year look for them to start calling it something else. Romneycare?


My God, they’re so stupid.


There is nothing imploding for the GOP with regards to Obamacare. There are many things about Obamacare I like, but there are many things I don’t like, so I would be classified as someone who somewhat supports but just barely. The problem with the Democrats is those who are strongly opposed to Obamacare is double that of those who strongly support it. In a mid-term election that anger drives people to the polls. The meme that will never go away and it is why it remains a negative for Democrats is they lied about “if you like your plan you can keep your plan”.

What don’t you like???

And, nonsense about the “if you like your plan you can keep it” lie.


“The meme that will never go away”…



Funny thing. I got my 2015 Supplemental Medicare package on Saturday. The monthly cost is the same and most of the co-pays - including routine doctor visits went DOWN.

Another GOP lie dead.


If it officially imploded, why won’t Grimes mention it against McConnell – in the very state that was positively impacted the most!

She’s avoiding it like the plague. (Sorry for the awful metaphor here)


At times, it’s difficult not to rejoice in some poor slob’s utter misery when I see millions of American’s determined to keep voting for Republican candidates who continue to then screw them over! At some point, they will have had enough, and if their misery is the thing that finally gets their attention? Well, that’s fine by me. Sad, but true, as perhaps it always has been.


“I think the important thing is that 20 percent to 33 percent are signing up and then not paying," Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) - fails to segue to Bengahzi #missedopportunity


Republicans speak most powerfully when they speak in the future tense. They are experts at predicting what is going to happen: Obamacare will fail, no one will pay for their Obamacare premiums, doctors will leave the profession, premiums will skyrocket. But they have no present tense voice when the results come in contradicting their predictions. They take no ownership of their mistakes. They don’t say, “you know what, we were wrong.”

They have an excellent command of the past tense, too. They can speak precisely about what has happened and in fact they are correcting historical records of recent events. They are setting the record straight regarding GWB’s decision to go to war against Iraq: Bush went in to Iraq to avenge the Iraqi terrorists who, under the direction of Saddam Hussein, slammed those planes into our buildings on 911; The nukes that Cheney had zeroed were whisked out of the country and into Syria during the lead-up up to Shock & Awe; Obama pulled our troops out of Iraq and that is why that region is now unstable.

They truly believe these things and can construct elaborate circumstances in their minds to show us how it is all true. When we prove them wrong, they move on. Their facts are spot on and they don’t need any guidance or advice from liberals or generals or historians or health care professionals. They know what they know and that’s why the people in their districts elected them to office.


It’s simply NOT nonsense. They should have used different language. Our insurance markets have never been set up to allow you to keep a plan simply because you “like” it. They over-reached on the message, and the Republicans, who have absolutely nothing to promote, grabbed on like a wounded dog and won’t let go. But don’t attack somebody simply for pointing out that “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan” was just an ill-advised talking point that gave the party of “No” a weapon they wouldn’t have otherwise had.


Actually I think the GOP may well refer to it as their WaterlooCare in the not too distant future.


Like what?


Are any local reporters or constituents going to ask Congress Critters about their previous statements while they’re in their home districts? Would love to see town halls filled with “Obamacare” beneficiaries during this extended campaign period.

Also too:

You forgot to add, “on 9/11 when CLINTON was president”


No, no, it was Obama. Then Bush came in, won the Iraq war (he even dressed up as a pilot) and got bin Laden. Then Obama went in and broke it by not making US troops stay there despite the Iraqis wanting us to get the fuck out. Check the GOP history books; it’s all there.


People don’t live in ‘memes’. They live in the real world. They have moved on to better health care plans and are thankful that Obama had the courage and smarts to overcome the morons who would have us where we were a year ago.


Yes, they gave the Republicans a talking point and it seems to me that Slider was asking justamarine to provide valid reasons instead of talking points as to why he didn’t like Obamacare,