Discussion: THIS CHART: Trump's Backers Way Less Confident Votes Will Be Counted Accurately

Trump Backers Feel Victimized, Water Wet, Cat Videos Popular, and other truisms.


is it because they claim to be ‘STRICT Constitutionalists’ and believe that black votes should only be counted as 3/5 of a vote?

They’re absolutely certain that Trump will never say anything that’s not completely true, which makes it easy to have a so-called opinion. No thinking involved.


Yet another reason they all get a hat.

These people must love being led around by the nose, or they are ignorant of the fact that 31 state governments are in Republican control, and that voter suppression to depress Democratic turnout is the default position of many of them.

So, if the election is being rigged, it will not be in Hillary’s favor.


The votes will be counted accurately. The fraud comes in illegally purging the voter registration
rolls so votes can’t be cast in the first place.

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They believe in Nordic Ski Instructor Jesus; that is God is Baptist; that Genesis is literally factually true; that evolution is a commie plot; the global warming is a commie lie; that the modern descendants of black slaves brought here from direct or indirect from Africa are over-stayers. Of COURSE they lack confidence in institutions: they lack the ability to even SPELL worlds like that, and government, and process. When they say originalist interpretation of the Constitution they mean the first draft that counted slaves as a limited sort of peoplish set for counting and subsidy purposes, plus the first amendment without the first amendment.