Discussion: THIS CHART: Premiums Shoot Up For The Elderly Under Senate O'Care Repeal Bill

The consequences of voting for Trump in two easy charts.

Thanks so much again, Trump voters. :rage:


Why only 40 states?

Less is not more!

Obama’s fault…

I think it is because the rest are below the chart. My MN which is not shown is probably less in terms of loss in Tax credits or increased premiums.

I wondered if they’d left of “essentially unchanged” states but didn’t see that stated in the text of their analysis. I’d also expect to see California on this chart. Even though we have a functioning marketplace, it should be in any list of “higher-priced states”. Our insurance regulator sucks.

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Keep in mind what these numbers represent: people living shorter lives; people living with no or poor coverage, going through their life in fear that an illness or injury will leave them without healthcare or assets or both; and people having to choose whether or not to get the care they need, because the expense would require tremendous sacrifice by the rest of the family.

The numbers also don’t address the impact of those relying on Medicaid for addiction treatment, aid for the disabled, and nursing-home care.


My friend went to a geneticist because her mother died young of breast cancer. The geneticist told her to wait until trump is gone because if the test is positive it will be considered a pre-existing condition


Hell, having fair skin is a pre-existing condition in sunny climates.

We all have pre-existing conditions in our genes, and most of us will accumulate a few more pre-existing conditions as we go through life. It is both foolish and inefficient to create conditions where the health insurance companies that thrive will be those who best use the vast data gathered about us on the internet to deny coverage to those of us who appear to present increased risk of needing costly medical care. The GOP wealthcare bills give such freedom to insurance companies.


So how dare the GOP propose such a thing?
I think it’s because nearly half the electorate will never know… the half that relies on Fox News.
Half the country lives in an isolation chamber.

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Even worse, how dare TPM refer to 60 as “elderly?”


So, let’s pretend I’m 60 with income at 350% of the poverty line in NJ ($42,000). My premiums will increase by $4,893 and I’ll lose $6,100 in tax credits. So, my insurance will now cost me an additional $10,993 a year (at a minimum); 27% of my annual income. And since the insurance is only required to cover 58% of expenses for approved conditions after whatever astronomical out of pocket number is determined, I’ll owe every single cent of my income to some doctor / hospital if I dare be irresponsible and get sick. A bout of pneumonia with hospitalization will eat up 42K in a jiff.

And this is good?

Republicans really do hate you and want you dead.


Add in the cost of small businesses and farms that either fail or never start because of someone’s health needs in the family. Add in the lost bargaining power of workers tethered to their employers, if they’re blessed with a job at all, because of someone’s health needs in the family.



It’s not so much that they want you dead; it’s more that they just don’t care if you die, are oppressed, or are forced to live a wretched existence. None of that matters to them in the least. What they care about are tax breaks and funneling more of your net wealth into the pockets of their sponsors.

Which is worse, IMO. They are carelessly evil.


But, first and foremost, they want your money.

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Sarah is going to get hit hard, she might want to tie her tubes!

Michael: “It’s not personal, Sonny. It’s strictly business.”
– The Godfather