Discussion: THIS CHART: Mitch McConnell Underwater With Republicans

Discussion for article #242259

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uhmmm, well some of them do live underwater…


Sen. McConnell’s response:

Hahaha, you stupid bitches! You’ve had every opportunity to get rid of me, but every time you’ve fallen for some dumbass ad campaign in which I lie through my teeth, tell you up is down and water is dry, and every time you eat it up like the stupid sows you are. So, you’re stuck with me! You fell for the “Barack Obama is ni-uh-near” okey-doke, you followed the dog whistle like I’m the Pied freakin Piper. Hell, you clowns were willing to snatch away healthcare from 500,000 KYians just to teach Barack Obama a lesson. Well, guess what? He doesn’t give a good damn about you and neither do I. HAHAHAHA


This implies that if the GOP ever were able to elect a president, he or she would immediately become unpopular, as being part of the Washington problem. Strange politics–work hard, get elected, lose backing, and fail.

If not, they will soon, as McConnell and his party aren’t interested in even acknowledging global warming.

By all means, dismantle the filibuster … might come in handy after 2016.

McConnell designed and executed a strategy of pointless obstruction in the face of some of the greatest challenges this country has ever faced. He is personally responsible for having made many Americans’ lives far more difficult than they needed to be – for the sake of securing more power for himself and his fellow reptilian tribespeople. He should be among the most hated people on planet Earth for having done that. Ironically, his base hates him for the opposite reason that he hasn’t gone far enough in depriving them of vital services and transferring wealth to the already-stratospherically-wealthy.

All the same to me. A man like this deserves whatever’s coming to him. I, for one, hope it’s much more humiliating than mere defeat at the polls.


What’s with the other 35% in the survey?
Not sure? Don’t know who McConnell is? Don’t care? Get off my lawn!?

Your sane quote, juxtaposed with the idea of the G.O.P. Base hating him for not going FAR ENOUGH gives new meaning to the term “self control”

Since I am positive most, if not all American families, workplaces and social settings are thoroughly infiltrated with members of this G.O.P, Base.

This is not like vilifying dead Nazis, fascists or sadistic torturers of Tojo or murderers operating on behalf of Joe Stalin…

The 0.001% has managed to get ordinary Americans to do their Dirty Work.

GOP base furious at McConnell, because he turned the crazy dial only up to 11.

The good people of Kentucky are definitely stuck with him, but with any luck and if dawg is willing, he will not be majority leader come November 2016, and perhaps Random will not be around either to bring further annoyance…

Doesn’t matter. He’s not up for reelection for another several years. He’ll start to care when he has to figure out how to hold onto his job again with the voters, no doubt by promising to go rogue if he has to and bringing on the crazy. Until then…this poll is meaningless.

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This shit infuriates me.

So big friggin’ deal his poll numbers are down! They were supposed to be down when Grimes ran against him and she was a GREAT candidate - smart, new her stuff, and was ready to take the state in a new direction. What happened - oh yeah MCCONNELL beat the pants off of her. Up is down, right is wrong. Nothing makes sense anymore, not polls, not common sense, N O T H I N G!!!

I really do not have a clue as to what will turn this country around when it comes to Rethuglicans - until than - we are all in this shit hole together.

The Millennials who are a-twitterin and a-textin’ are either uncaring or convinced that voting for Congress and state offices is useless.

Because the ReThuggs HAVE people who vote for them.

Those who actually POLL as agreeing with Democratic goals do POLLING.

Not voting.

If, in fact, Age-Related voting behaviour meant that old folks could care less and youngsters were maniacs for voting, then the ReThuggs would be battling on how to best eliminate student loan debt.